[RRT] Synchronization failure


DE93584: SI#3553239 Request to run patron-block sync job and share logs - CORNELL UNIV

I was working on "US1295271: Patron full sync - optimize" and faced same issue with the full sync job as Cornell univ - it failed after 3 minutes due to timeout. 

Used pbf cluster and fs09000000 tenant in INT.

I tried to update checkoutTimeoutDuration for current tenant to 5 minutes, but job fails after same 3 minutes as before.

mod-patron-blocks logs:

07:37:22 [874671/automated-patron-blocks] [fs09000000] [] [mod_patron_blocks] INFO  ronizationJobService doSynchronization:: result: {
   "id": "36c2cb98-cd80-408d-b7d3-f7af1ff94e2e",
   "scope": "full",
   "status": "failed",
   "totalNumberOfLoans": 0,
   "totalNumberOfFeesFines": 0,
   "numberOfProcessedLoans": 1800,
   "numberOfProcessedFeesFines": 99040,
   "errors": [
       "Unrecognized field \"reminders\" (class org.folio.rest.jaxrs.model.Loan), not marked as ignorable (25 known properties: \"dueDate\", \"checkinServicePointId\", \"lostItemPolicyId\", \"itemStatus\", \"userId\", \"overdueFinePolicyId\", \"actionComment\", \"declaredLostDate\", \"systemReturnDate\", \"itemId\", \"metadata\", \"status\", \"proxyUserId\", \"action\", \"renewalCount\", \"claimedReturnedDate\", \"dueDateChangedByRecall\", \"id\", \"checkoutServicePointId\", \"itemEffectiveLocationIdAtCheckOut\", \"loanDate\", \"patronGroupIdAtCheckout\", \"loanPolicyId\", \"returnDate\", \"agedToLostDelayedBilling\"])\n at [Source: (StringReader); line: 1, column: 23418] (through reference chain: java.util.ArrayList[26]->org.folio.rest.jaxrs.model.Loan[\"reminders\"])",

Note for dev:

Field “reminders” is missing from the loan’s schema in mod-patron-blocks, and the schema does not allow additional properties.

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround

Users could run syncs for individual users. This however would be very tedious if thousands of users need to be re-set.





Charlotte Whitt December 16, 2024 at 12:46 PM

Support SIG: Hi - notice that this ticket is scheduled for Bugfest Ramsons fix, but has not yet begun. But we guess it’s still in? We notice it’s just a 1 story point fix

Thomas Trutt October 16, 2024 at 12:45 PM

Thank you . It does sound like it was a environmental issue but it does add a good demographic of how many loans a user may have out that this process needs to process. If you see it come up again please let me know.

Kyle Banerjee October 15, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Unfortunately, I did that long enough ago that I don’t remember enough info to find the relevant logs. The specific symptoms I observed were it appeared that sync was always in progress -- but otherwise normal (no errors) when I looked at /automated-patron-blocks/synchronization/job/{uuid}

When hosting restarted the module, the problems went away so this may have been an ephemeral issue rather than a technical fault

It may be relevant that this was done for a client for whom we’d just migrated > 200K loans and also done some very atypical things involving externalId manipulation after the loans were in.

Thomas Trutt October 14, 2024 at 2:22 PM

Could you please file another bug with the issues you had running a single-user sync? Env, what the issue was and any logs would be helpful. It may be related. The issue here is that there is an unrecognized field wich is causing issues. it is possible its the same issue with Single record sync.



Anya October 14, 2024 at 2:04 PM

Support: how is the process on this- struggled to get the single record job to work as well.





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Created September 23, 2024 at 9:25 AM
Updated March 11, 2025 at 8:05 PM
TestRail: Cases
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