Anuar NurmakanovAnuar NurmakanovReporter
Doug LoynesDoug LoynesPriority
TBDDevelopment Team
Sunflower (R1 2025)TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: CasesTestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Anuar Nurmakanov
Anuar NurmakanovReporter
Doug Loynes
Doug LoynesPriority
Development Team
Sunflower (R1 2025)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created December 4, 2023 at 2:18 PM
Updated January 16, 2025 at 8:18 PM
Resolved November 3, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Current situation or problem:
For the production release of BIBFRAME, LCCN use cases must cover both 'Structure A' and 'Structure B' scenarios,
In scope
Enforce validation rules to prevent malformed LCCNs from getting passed to the back end and adhere to proper structure
Enforce validation rules to ensure an LCCN assigned to a resource is unique and has not already been assigned to another resource
If a resource fails either / both of these general conditions, the resource cannot be saved to the back end, and the cataloger is alerted that the problem(s) must be corrected in order to continue.
NOTE: LCCN validation rules are applied when a cataloger attempts to save a resource to the back end, and are not applied when a resource in transformed into linked data through various channels. Therefore, it is possible that a malformed LCCN could be passed into the Linked data editor without detection. If a cataloger were to subsequently edit the resource, validation rules should prevent the resource from being saved with a malformed LCCN.
LCCN Structure
Structure 'A' format - (1898-2000)
Structure 'B' format - (2001 - present)
MARC authority records (addressed in structure documentation)
MARC bibliographic records (addressed in structure documentation)
Update LCCN index in Linked data editor to account for / accommodate bibliographic resources assigned with Structure A LCCNs
Check that LCCN assigned to a resource follows the correct and expected format
Applies generally to new cataloging, but would also apply if a cataloger edited an LCCN for an existing resource
Out of scope
Use case(s)
Proposed solution/stories
Links to additional info