Ruslan Lavrov
Ruslan LavrovReporter
Ruslan Lavrov
Ruslan LavrovPriority
Development Team
Fix versions
R2 2021 Hot Fix #4
RCA Group
Implementation coding issue
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 29, 2021 at 11:09 AM
Updated June 27, 2022 at 9:29 AM
Resolved November 29, 2021 at 11:16 AM
Steps to Reproduce:
Duplicate the "Default - Harrassowitz serials invoice" mapping profile
Update the new field mapping profile as follows
Name: MODINVOICE-341 Check VRN Match
Vendor name: use the vendor lookup to find and select HARRASSOWITZ vendor
Payment method: "EFT"
Currency: Delete existing info and select "USD" from the dropdown menu
Description: Change the existing mapping from {POL_title}; else IMD+F+050+[4-5] to {POL_title}; else IMD+L+050+[4-5]
Save the profile
Go to Action profiles and create a new profile
Action: Create
FOLIO record type: Invoice
link created mapping profile to it
Go to Job profiles, create a new job profile and link the created action profile to it
Create new order
Vendor: Harrassowitz
Order type: Ongoing
Add PO Line
Title: American journal of archaeology
Acquisition method: Purchase at vendor system
Order format: Electronic resource
Electronic unit price: 100
Quantity electronic: 1
Add vendor reference number
Vendor reference number: 00007943
Vendor reference type: Vendor order reference number
Add location "Online (E)"
Quantity electronic: 1
Open the newly created order
Go to Data import and upload file, select created job profile (from step 3) for processing
Expected Results: The first line of the invoice should match to the PO line that you created. It should match by vendor reference number.
Actual Results: It did not match