Add fields to the Inventory instance record

RCA Group



Purpose: As FOLIO begins seeing adoption by more libraries worldwide, especially large research libraries, the Inventory app will need to support enhanced searching for more specific and specialized metadata. The addition of fields to the instance record will support search for this metadata via delivered indexes and/or query search.


Proposed/Requested additions:

Copyright date (MARC 264_4$c): Under AACR2, the copyright date was often appended to the publication date in the 260$c. However, with the introduction of RDA, this data point was separated out into its own field. Some FOLIO libraries will wish to maintain RDA's more granular approach to recording, displaying, and searching this data point.


Uncontrolled subject headings (MARC 653): To allow searching based on uncontrolled subject headings while distinguishing between controlled and uncontrolled in the instance display.


Genre/form (655): To allow for a dedicated search index for this specific type of subject access field.



Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Lisa Lorenzo October 16, 2024 at 2:27 PM

A very belated follow-up from MSU

We would still love to have the ability to search 655 genre fields separately from subjects in Inventory (and also have the 655 removed from the subject index if possible?). As far as ‘Nature of content’, if I’m understanding correctly, I think it would be better to keep that field as-is and create a new field for Form/Genre. Nature of content seems more broad and still useful as a separate field from the (generally) narrower genre terms included in 655 fields.

As far as 264_4$c and 653, I will leave that to others to comment on as I’m not sure if those are still desired enhancements. do you know more about why those were requested, or know who to ask?

Please let me know if it’d be helpful to either elaborate on use cases or create a new ticket. Thanks!

Molly Driscoll April 17, 2023 at 8:05 PM

Thank you for the updates, ! I'm copying in and to review your comments and questions as these points were originally raised during the MSU-LM implementation. 

Ann-Marie Breaux April 17, 2023 at 7:44 PM

Hi I'll look for a feature for adding fields to the Inventory Instance, and if there's not one, I'll create one.

A couple notes:

  • Copyright date (MARC 264_4$c): Under AACR2, the copyright date was often appended to the publication date in the 260$c. However, with the introduction of RDA, this data point was separated out into its own field. Some FOLIO libraries will wish to maintain RDA's more granular approach to recording, displaying, and searching this data point.

    • If there are multiple 264s, they are all captured in the Instance as separate Publication fields. See attached example. Are you saying that a publication field containing only a copyright date might need separate searching and indexing from a publication field that has more than a copyright date?

  • Uncontrolled subject headings (MARC 653): To allow searching based on uncontrolled subject headings while distinguishing between controlled and uncontrolled in the instance display.

    • There's nothing today that would prevent a library from mapping 653s into their Instance subject headings. However FOLIO would not be able to distinguish them as controlled versus uncontrolled. As more authority validation begins to show in FOLIO instance, it may be more evident which Instance fields are validated/controlled and which are not. I'll leave this as a note and copy since she is gathering searching/indexing requirements.

  • Genre/form (655): To allow for a dedicated search index for this specific type of subject access field.

    • Long ago, we definitely wanted to break 655s into their own form/genre fields, but the way the Instance Nature of content field is currently structured (single value with a validation list that contains unstandardized values in the default reference data) made it impossible to map 655s to it, at least for now. Until that is changed, we figured the least bad option was to at least map them into the subject area of the Instance. We have not revisited Form/genre and/or Nature of content in a couple of years. It might be time to look at that again at some point.

Molly Driscoll August 6, 2021 at 2:22 PM

, do you know if this will be linked to a feature that the library could rank?

Molly Driscoll August 1, 2021 at 1:49 AM

, this enhancement has been requested by Michigan State University and the Library of Michigan.





Development Team



Not Scheduled

Affected Institution

MI State University/Library of Michigan

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created August 1, 2021 at 1:49 AM
Updated October 16, 2024 at 2:27 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs