Back end work. Instance. Mark and un-mark for deletion

RCA Group



Purpose: Mark for deletion means that a cataloger, who holds the permission to do Mark instance for deletion () (but do not hold the permission to do a deletion) is able to do 'Mark instance for deletion' of any given instance by setting a boolean check mark in the record. Mark instance for deletion is done in the edit view of the instance. Similar is un-marking a previously marked instance for deletion also done in the edit view of the instance, by users who holds the permission to unmark a previously marked instance for deletion ().

When the instance has been marked for deletion, then a cataloger colleague with super power and with permission to perform deletion, will go in and filter on all instances being marked for deletion, and then delete them one-by-one (and later in bulk mode).

Use cases:

  1. As a cataloger I want to be able to mark any given instance record for deletion.

  2. As a cataloger I want to be able to correct any errors, and unmark a given instance which had been marked for deletion.


  1. Scenario

    • Go to FOLIO snapshot as user diku_admin

    • Go to Inventory

    • Given any instance record

    • When displayed in edit view

    • Then there in the Administrative accordion is a check box, where the instance can be marked for deletion

    • See UX

  2. Scenario

    • When the checkmark is set for Marked for deletion,

    • Then automatically there will be set also check marks in both

      • Suppress from discovery

      • Staff suppress

    • See UX

  3. Scenario

    • When the instance is already marked as Suppressed from discovery and Staff suppressed,

    • then adding the checkmark Mark for deletion, do not cause any changes of the two check marks set in Suppress from discovery and Staff suppress

  4. Scenario

    • Filter on items being Marked for deletion ()

    • Given an instance is Marked for deletion

    • When displayed in edit view

    • Then in the Administrative accordion the check box, where the instance can be marked for deletion, has a check mark set

    • See UX

  5. Scenario

    • When clicking the check mark in Mark for deletion

    • Then the check mark is removed only in Mark for deletion

  6. Scenario

    • When the checkmark is unset for Marked for deletion,

    • Then the following checkmarks stays unchanged in both

      • Suppress from discovery

      • Staff suppress

    • See UX




Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Marc Johnson June 29, 2022 at 6:33 PM

will add details about un-mark here (unless Marc Johnson prefers separate tickets for this)

Normally I would want these split. However, I think that depends upon how marking and un-marking are going to work, because that will change the way we do the work and might mean splitting doesn't make sense e.g. if folks go with the edit approach, then splitting doesn't make sense because there aren't marking or unmarking processes.




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TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 17, 2021 at 12:11 PM
Updated October 19, 2022 at 3:00 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs