Natalia Zaitseva
Natalia ZaitsevaReporter
Yauhen Viazau
Yauhen ViazauPriority
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Orchid (R1 2023) Bug Fix
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Orchid (R1 2023)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 22, 2023 at 1:05 PM
Updated May 3, 2023 at 11:47 AM
Resolved March 29, 2023 at 2:45 PM
Overview: Cannot add multiple uncontrolled subfields to a linked "MARC bib" field upon data import
Job profile created to update "MARC bib" record by matching "999 f f s" subfield
The system must have at least 1 "MARC Bibliographic" record which has fields linked to at least 1 "MARC Authority" record.
You can use files from the attachements:
1) "MARC Authority" record (Import it via "Data import" app using "Default - Create SRS MARC Authority" job profile):
Chin, Staceyann(original_record).mrc
2) "MARC Bibliographic" records (Import it via "Data import" app using "Default - Create instance and SRS MARC Bib" job profile):
The other side of paradise a memoir Staceyann Chin (with letter and digit subfields in 100).mrc
The "100" MARC field with "$a" value "Chin, Staceyann," of imported "Instance" record ("The other side of paradise : a memoir / Staceyann Chin.") must be linked to the "100" field of imported "MARC Authority" record ("Chin, Staceyann, 1972-").
Authorized user with the following permissions:
Data import: Can upload files, import, and view logs
Inventory: All permissions
MARC Authority: View MARC authority record
quickMARC: Can Link/unlink authority records to bib records
quickMARC: View, edit MARC bibliographic record
UI: Data export module is enabled
User is on "Inventory" pane with search results for "Instance" record which was linked with "MARC Authority" (see Precondition, e.g.: "The other side of paradise : a memoir / Staceyann Chin.").
Steps to Reproduce:
Check the checkbox that is displayed next to the "Instance" record which is linked to "MARC Authority" records on the search result pane (For example: "The other side of paradise : a memoir / Staceyann Chin.").
Click on the "Actions" button on the second pane and select "Export Instances (MARC)" option.
Go to "Data export" app.
Download exported ".mrc" file by clicking on the "File name" column value.
Open downloaded ".mrc" file via "MarcEdit" (or any similar app).
Add second "$e" subfield BEFORE existing "$e" subfield in a controlled field (for example, add "$eNarrator" before "$eAuthor" in "100" field)
Save the edited ".mrc" file.
Go to the "Data import" app >> Click on the "or select files" button >> Select the updated ".mrc" file (see previous step) >> click the "Open" button
Click on the job profile created in precondition >> Click on the "Actions" in the appeared third pane >> Select "Run" option >> Click on the "Run" button in appeared modal.
Click on the new row with "Completed" status after job cpmpletes
Click on the "Updated" link in "Instance" column in completed job details window
Click on the "Actions" button and select "Edit MARC bibliographic record" option from the expanded menu.
Expected Results: Two "$e" subfields are shown in the fifth box of linked field (e.g. "100" field) - for example "$e Author $e Narrator"
Actual Results: Only newly added "$e" subfield is shown in the fifth box of linked field (e.g. "100" field) - for example "$e Narrator"
Additional Information:
Please see attached screencast:
Second uncontrolled field of the same type not added at all if you add it AFTER existing subfield (e.g. "$eAuthor$eNarrator")
No issues when adding multiple uncontrollable fields to a not linked linkable field
The same happens when updating record by matching "999 f f i" subfield
Issue is now reproducible on Snapshot too
Interested parties: @Khalilah Gambrell