Enable support for serials to create receiving pieces in ECS environments with central ordering



In ECS-enabled environments where the central tenant Consortium manager has Central Ordering enabled, receiving pieces generated by the central tenant Serials app do not display in Receiving in any tenant. To resolve this, the Serials app in the central tenant should include tenant (labelled “affiliation”) to the “generate receiving pieces” dialogue. This value is then passed to the piece as “receivingTenantID”. The list of valid TenantIDs can be found under “Tenant Address” within Settings → Consortium Manager → Membership.

In order for the system to know whether this situation applies, the following must be true:

  • ui-consortia-settings must be enabled on the tenant

  • Central ordering must be true in Settings - Consortium manager - Central ordering

User story statement(s):

As a serials librarian in a consortia using ECS
I want to be able to create receiving pieces from the serials management module
so that I can generate receiving pieces based on publication patterns


Scenario 1:

  • Given ordering is allowed with affiliated locations

  • When I view the “Generate receiving pieces” modal

  • Then I see an option to selection an Affiliation value

Scenario 2:

  • Given ordering is NOT allowed with affiliated locations

  • When I view the “Generate receiving pieces” modal

  • Then I DO NOT see an option to selection an Affiliation value

Scenario 3:

  • Given the “Generate receiving pieces” modal

  • When there is an Affiliation field

  • Then this field must be validated as filled in either to enable the “Generate receiving pieces” button or to successfully complete the “Generate recieving pieces” step

Scenario 4:

  • Given I am seeing an option to select an Affiliation value in the Generate receiving pieces modal

  • When I open the dropdown on the Affiliation field

  • Then I see a filterable options list, with valid values displayed as I type.

Scenario 5:

  • Given the “Generate receiving pieces” modal with an Affiliation field that has a valid value

  • When I choose to “Generate receiving pieces”

  • Then the affiliation value is included in the JSON for each receiving piece in the receivingTenantId property

Outstanding questions

  • How to know we are in an ECS context with affiliated locations?

  • How to know the list of valid values for the affiliation field?

  • Are there any changes to how we should process locations and holdings in ECS context?

Other information

  • The simplest approach maybe to bring in stripes-acq-components as that already has ECS/Affiliation handling in it

Acceptance criteria:

  • User the Serials app to generate receiving pieces for any holding in the central tenant

  • Verify that those pieces appear in the Receiving app in the central tenant as “expected”

  • If either of the prerequisites listed above is NOT true, then the “Affiliation” dropdown should NOT be present when generating pieces.




Potential Workaround











Development Team


Fix versions


Ramsons (R2 2024) Bug Fix

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 17, 2024 at 6:33 PM
Updated January 10, 2025 at 4:04 PM
Resolved January 10, 2025 at 4:04 PM