List RAML issues with migration to new CI tool api-lint


The "api-lint" CI tool ( is ready to be used by RAML-using and OpenAPI-using projects.

(This is the replacement for the now deprecated "lint-raml" runLintRamlCop tool.)

Note that this api-lint tool is more thorough than our previous CI tool (based on raml-cop and its underlying outdated raml-1-parser). So projects might find new violations being reported.

For projects that are not listed below, the replacement is straight-forward Jenkinsfile configuration.

For some projects there are new issues being reported. The fixes should be easily handled.

For a small set of projects, there are some issues which are more complex. These are either a real problem with the project's API description files, or are perhaps unidentified bugs with the underlying tool. If the latter, then please provide a basic test case which we can pass upstream (

Summary 2022-01-10 (using current amf-client-js v5.0.2):
Total 319 RAML files, 21 with some non-conformance.
Total 25 OAS files, all conform.



Potential Workaround




TestRail: Results



David Crossley February 16, 2021 at 1:51 AM

Last updated: 2022-10-04
This is a summary of RAML-based API descriptions that would have some new issues reported when migrating to the new api-lint ( Most would be easily addressed.

The label "OLD" means either that the project has now migrated to api-lint, or the violation has gone as api-lint has been upgraded to a new version of the underlying amf-client dependency (e.g. perhaps due to us providing an upsteam bug report), or that the project is still using the old deprecated lint-raml but have since modified their api description.

For projects that are not on this list, there should be no issues encountered when upgrading (

Easily handled:

  • Migrated: edge-patron/ramls/edge-patron.raml

  • Migrated: folio-custom-fields/ramls/custom-fields.raml

  • Migrated: mod-circulation/ramls/loan-anonymization.raml

  • Migrated: mod-data-export/ramls/dataExport-logs.raml

  • Migrated: mod-data-import-converter-storage/ramls/data-import-converter-storage.raml

  • Migrated: mod-finc-config/ramls/fincConfigMetadataSources.raml

  • OLD: mod-inventory-storage/ramls/instance-storage-batch.raml

  • OLD: mod-inventory-storage/ramls/instance-sync.raml

  • OLD: mod-inventory-storage/ramls/inventory-view.raml

  • OLD: mod-inventory-storage/ramls/item-storage-dereferenced.raml

  • Migrated: mod-kb-ebsco-java/ramls/costperuse.raml

  • Migrated: mod-orders/ramls/check-in.raml

  • Migrated: mod-orders/ramls/order.raml

  • Migrated: mod-orders/ramls/pieces.raml

  • Migrated: mod-orders/ramls/receive.raml

  • Migrated: mod-orders/ramls/receiving-history.raml

  • OLD: mod-orders-storage/ramls/orders.raml

  • Migrated: mod-orders-storage/ramls/pieces.raml

  • Migrated: mod-orders-storage/ramls/purchase-order.raml

  • Migrated: mod-orders-storage/ramls/receiving-history.raml

  • Migrated: mod-patron/ramls/patron.raml

  • Migrated: mod-permissions/ramls/permissions.raml

  • Migrated: mod-source-record-manager/ramls/change-manager.raml

Known issue:

  • raml/ramls/jsonSchemas.raml

  • raml/ramls/ramls.raml

More complex or unidentified:

  • Migrated: mod-data-import/ramls/dataImport.raml (unresolved reference)

  • Migrated: mod-inventory/ramls/inventory.raml (Boxed Error with one example)

  • Migrated: mod-inventory-storage/ramls/holdings-storage.raml (required media-type for 200 response)

  • Migrated: mod-inventory-storage/ramls/instance-storage.raml (required media-type for 200 response)

  • OLD: mod-source-record-manager/ramls/change-manager-handlers.raml (unresolved reference)

  • OLD: mod-source-record-manager/ramls/metadata-provider.raml (unresolved reference)

  • OLD: mod-source-record-storage/ramls/source-record-storage-handlers.raml (unresolved reference, circular reference?)

  • OLD: mod-source-record-storage/ramls/source-record-storage-records.raml (unresolved reference, circular reference?)






Development Team


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 16, 2021 at 1:45 AM
Updated October 4, 2022 at 2:08 AM
Resolved October 4, 2022 at 2:08 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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