Data Problems from Front-End Record Caching
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results

Julian Ladisch May 28, 2019 at 4:42 PM
This and are distinct issues and should not be merged. I've reworded the title and the description for clarity.

Björn Muschall May 21, 2019 at 8:23 AM
Thanks, and . You're right, refreshing the data in UI when clicking the "edit" button does of course not prevent concurrent edits. Nevertheless, from my purely librarian standpoint, I think that the actual data should be loaded directly from the database. We can gladly merge with and close this one if both aspects are considered.

Marc Johnson May 20, 2019 at 11:16 AM
Refreshing the record upon edit might help to reduce the window of opportunity for concurrent editing.
However a user can leave the UI open in edit mode for as long as they choose.
It might stop sequential edits, where edit is clicked after save by the second user, it is unlikely to stop concurrent edits.

Jakub Skoczen May 20, 2019 at 10:50 AM
I have linked this item to a more general issue: (which is a known tech-debt item). The description here suggests, however, that a ui-only "tweak" of refreshing the date in UI when the "edit" button is clicked might help alleviate the problem. I'd like to get feedback from and . Also, please review because the technical approach there might impact the UX of record updates.


Background: This was reported by and
Steps to repro:
Working with two browser sessions simulating the simultaneous work of several colleagues in one system
User A opens a holding view page, User B opens the same holding view page
User A edits this holding (e.g. location)
User A updates the record
User B clicks shortly afterwards on edit
Actual behavior: User B does not get the latest version of the record, because the form is filled with information from the state of his/her view page.
Expected behavior: The edit form should load the latest data from the database not from the view cache. Even though it may be unlikely that two colleagues are working on a record at the same time, this behavior leads to an incomprehensible inconsistency of the data. This is unacceptable for productive use.
Additional info: This behavior was already reported at a UAT for Vendors App months ago and should be discussed urgently in the community! This issue should not be underestimated.