I agree, and I'll relay this to the accessibility SIG member.
For what its worth, the test I ran this morning in an incognito window has the JavaScript bundle downloaded in just under four seconds.
Julian Ladisch March 19, 2018 at 12:45 PM
It looks as if this is caused by the throughput speed of the internet connection. Enabling gzip compression has reduced the download time to 25%. Speed tests from different locations result in page load times of 8 seconds or less for the first visit, following visits are much faster because of browser cache. I close this issue because gzip compression reduced the priority and there isn't any other measure with resonable effort.
Julian Ladisch March 14, 2018 at 2:54 PM
I've enabled gzip compression. This should reduce the download time of /bundle.a09a40df3c860c0b90b4.js to 25%.
I agree, and I'll relay this to the accessibility SIG member.
For what its worth, the test I ran this morning in an incognito window has the JavaScript bundle downloaded in just under four seconds.