Add support for content type property on Agreements
hideTestRail: Results

Owen Stephens March 24, 2023 at 4:02 PM
QA 2023-03-24: All working well but currently a semi-colon appears after the last item in the list. The semi-colon should separate values in the list but not appear after the final item in the list

Jag Goraya February 7, 2023 at 6:43 PM


Development Team
Poppy (R2 2023)
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created January 16, 2023 at 10:59 AM
Updated April 17, 2023 at 2:36 PM
Resolved April 17, 2023 at 11:32 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
It is sometimes useful to be able to categorise agreements by the type of content in the agreement. While there are content types available on packages and resources, the users would like to be able to explicitly add a content type to the agreement.
This should be a delivered with:
A new 'content type' property for the agreement which can contain one or more values
A refdata category for agreement content type with a user editable list of ref data values (via agreement settings/pick list values)
A search filter for content type in Agreements search & filter screen
This should be a set of check boxes as per the Package content type filter (multiple selections combine as OR)
User story statement(s):
As an ERM librarian
I want to be able to set one or more content types per agreement
so that I can retrieve agreements by content type and view the content type of an agreement when I see the agreement
Given the Agreements app
When I edit an agreement
Then I see the option to add one or more content types using a multi-value property box
Then I see the option to add a content type using a similar approach to the "add alternative title"
The option should be above the "Alternative names" property
Given I'm editing an agreement
When there are already content types added
Then I see a trashcan icon next to each content type
Given the list of content types in an agreement edit view with trashcan icons
When I click the trashcan icon
Then the content type is removed from display
AND on saving the agreement the content type is removed from the list of content types
Given the Agreements app
When I view an agreement
Then I should see a "Content types" property for the agreement with a semicolon separated list of content types underneath the Description
Given the Agreements app
When I view search and filter
There should be an option to filter by Content type above the "Tags" filter. This should be a checkbox filter as per the Package content type filter (multiple selections combine as OR)