Number of tags doesn't update on adding tags to agreement line


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create an agreement

  2. Add an agreement line (one with just a description and no linked resource is fine)

  3. Save and close the agreement line

  4. Click the "Tag" icon for the agreement line

  5. Add a tag to the agreement line

  6. Note that the count number next to the tag icon doesn't update

Expected Results:
Count number updates as you add tags

Actual Results:
Not updating

Additional Information:
Same functionality at the agreement level (i.e. tagging an agreement) works OK

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround




TestRail: Results



Ethan Freestone May 3, 2022 at 12:57 PM

QA Watchlist


  • Batch fetching of PO lines - any problems and it may be worth migrating to react-qeury right away

  • Org credentials ()

  • Settings related MCL load size options

  • Hide internal agreements knowledgebase setting

  • Hide accordions in agreement edit view setting 


  • (Org credentials again)

  • Export Terms CSV

  • Large number of amendments on LicenseView

  • Amendment view stuff (Switched over to using direct endpoint as part of this work)

  • License creation (migrated one create route over as an example)

Left to migrate

Certain routes/functionality remains on stripes-connect for now. Some work may be needed to consolidate existing strategies/migrate those over piece by piece. One potential part of that work is deciding that fetches may belong lower in the component tree, which we can decide on a one-by-one basis.


Left as is, all stripes-connect still and class components

  • AgreementCreateRoute

  • AgreementEditRoute

  • AgreementLineCreateRoute

  • AgreementLineEditRoute

  • BasketRoute (May not need a route at all in the end, thought needed)

  • EresourceEditRoute

  • NoteCreateRoute

  • NoteEditRoute

  • NoteViewRoute

  • PlatofrmEditRoute

  • UrlCustomizerCreateRoute

  • UrlCustomizerEditRoute

  • UrlCustomizerViewRoute

Migrated to functional components and partially react-query, some functionality left:

  • AgreementLineViewRoute - Order Line fetching (&PO lines)

  • AgreementsRoute - Basket/query (query can likely be replaced with state – see ui-oa)

  • AgreementViewRoute - Interfaces (whole load of work to do untangling that – reflected in licenses), orderLines (&POLines) and users

  • EresourcesRoute - query (query can likely be replaced with state – see ui-oa)

  • PlatformsRoute - query (query can likely be replaced with state – see ui-oa)



Left as is, all stripes-connect still and class components

  • CreateAmendmentRoute

  • NoteViewRoute

  • EditAmendmentRoute

  • EditLicenseRoute

  • NoteCreateRoute

  • NoteEditRoute

Migrated to functional components and partially react-query, some functionality left:

  • ViewLicenseRoute - Interfaces (whole load of work to do untangling that – reflected in agreements)

  • LicensesRoute - query (query can likely be replaced with state – see ui-oa) 

Done completely:

  • CreateLicenseRoute

  • ViewAmendmentRoute


Off the top of my head, (there may be some bits I've missed)

  • SearchField using ref and focusing "on mount" seems iffy

  • downloadBlob is used all over, seems like we should have a central function for it

  • Pick list settings (Can likely be migrated fully over to the EditableRefdataList component used in ui-oa)

Owen Stephens March 25, 2022 at 2:41 PM

After discussion with Former user preferred fix would be to move to react-query for the route and resolve this issue in the process. However, that approach not suitable for a bug fix release.

As a relatively minor display issue, we're deprioritising for the moment as we focus on other Lotus bug fixing. Once other issues are resolved we'll decide whether to try to resolve this issue for lotus using the existing route, or whether to defer to MG








Development Team



Morning Glory (R2 2022)

RCA Group


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 25, 2022 at 11:55 AM
Updated November 28, 2022 at 2:57 PM
Resolved July 1, 2022 at 2:43 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs