
When displaying package information on a package view screen (i.e. at URL like /erm/eresources/<package UUID>) the following information should be added to the package information at the top of the view (if the field is not present follow the current behaviour that is to display the label with a 'no value' in the field "-")

  • contentType(s) - there can be multiple content types for a package, the display should show a list of the content types for the package but a single label (label: Content type)

  • Lifecycle status (label: Status)

  • Package availability scope (label: Availability)

  • Source data created (label: Source created)

  • Source data updated (label: Source last updated)


for layout

Additionally a new accordion should be added to the top of the list of accordions headed "Extended package information" which should contain:

  • Package description (label: Description)

  • Package description URLs - use an MCL to list URLs, each URL should open in a new window and use the correct icon to indicate this behaviour. (label: Package description URLs)

  • Alternative names - use an MCL to list alternative names (same layout as Agreement alternative names). (label: Alternative names)

Only display the labels/values if they are present (i.e. do not display the labels if there is no data to populate them)
If none of these values are present, do not display the "Extended package information" accordion

Confluence content

mentioned on



TestRail: Results



Owen Stephens May 23, 2022 at 2:08 PM

QA 2022-05-23: sourceDataCreated and sourceDataUpdated are being displayed incorrect - but unclear if this is a display issue or underlying data issue. Will raise separate issue

Owen Stephens April 20, 2022 at 12:24 PM

Discussion on 2022-04-20 call: contentTypes will stay as an array, but objects in the array will ref data values, rather than string values which implies there will be a label and value. Use the label for display

Peter Böhm April 4, 2022 at 11:47 AM

JSON as provided by the current state of

{ "id": "c53fab4d-7813-40b5-9c4b-376a6d19a34c", "availabilityScope": { "id": "ff8081817fd0b47d017fd0b5b6810001", "value": "global", "label": "Global" }, "dateCreated": "2022-03-28T13:51:12Z", "packageDescriptionUrls": [ { "id": "e7d503b0-5901-421f-9861-d86b21f7f6a9", "url": "http://blobb", "owner": { "id": "c53fab4d-7813-40b5-9c4b-376a6d19a34c" } }, { "id": "98389b98-5ab0-42c2-9027-bbddc6bf769f", "url": "http://blubb", "owner": { "id": "c53fab4d-7813-40b5-9c4b-376a6d19a34c" } } ], "lastUpdated": "2022-04-04T10:11:59Z", "normalizedName": "igi global:igi global infosci-journals:konsortiallizenz", "vendor": { "id": "e1fc0050-48aa-481b-9534-c2e2fbdb9038", "name": "IGI Global", "orgsUuid_object": { "error": 400, "message": "Bad Request" } }, "sourceDataUpdated": "2022-03-28T03:09:04Z", "source": "GOKb", "remoteKb": { "id": "a4626675-fdfc-465f-b8f9-ca0b572529c0", "cursor": "2021-07-07T10:20:09Z", "active": true, "trustedSourceTI": false, "activationEnabled": false, "readonly": false, "syncStatus": "in-process", "name": "GOKb_TEST", "type": "org.olf.kb.adapters.GOKbOAIAdapter", "fullPrefix": "gokb", "uri": "", "supportsHarvesting": true, "rectype": 1 }, "contentTypes": [ { "id": "54e14560-caf5-4c3f-8769-e5ce173fc2b8", "owner": { "id": "c53fab4d-7813-40b5-9c4b-376a6d19a34c" }, "contentType": "print" }, { "id": "b5295cf8-db3c-4159-b923-92797ca2be28", "owner": { "id": "c53fab4d-7813-40b5-9c4b-376a6d19a34c" }, "contentType": "electronic" } ], "alternateResourceNames": [ { "id": "98acf729-368e-44a4-a088-d3e2bcb105b3", "name": "Name 2", "owner": { "id": "c53fab4d-7813-40b5-9c4b-376a6d19a34c" } }, { "id": "27a9b427-5e4e-4d8d-ae87-fe8880551985", "name": "Name 1", "owner": { "id": "c53fab4d-7813-40b5-9c4b-376a6d19a34c" } }, { "id": "45e153bd-f3ed-4b23-9cf1-103334efdb51", "name": "Name 3", "owner": { "id": "c53fab4d-7813-40b5-9c4b-376a6d19a34c" } }, { "id": "54669ab9-ba4b-46f8-a79d-56247e618b96", "name": "Name 4", "owner": { "id": "c53fab4d-7813-40b5-9c4b-376a6d19a34c" } } ], "name": "IGI Global:IGI Global InfoSci-Journals:Konsortiallizenz", "lifecycleStatus": { "id": "ff8081817fd0b47d017fd0b5b6d20006", "value": "current", "label": "Current" }, "suppressFromDiscovery": false, "sourceDataCreated": "2022-03-21T23:00:04Z", "description": "bla bla bla", "reference": "IGI_Global:IGI_Global_InfoSci-Journals:Konsortiallizenz", "resourceCount": 0, "class": "org.olf.kb.Pkg" }

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Hash LVERXE Trace 4cdcb7180ed74fc19349c13d7e38ddba




Owen Stephens


Owen Stephens





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