Move identifiers between title instances


In some scenarios a title instance can be related to an incorrect identifier. This story is to support a user being able to move an identifier between title instances in order to correct such errors. Combined with and , the move of an identifier between title instances will result in any existing PTIs & PCIs being transferred to the correct TI following such identifier movements

Screen designs:

User story statement(s):

As an ERM librarian,
I want to be able to move identifiers between title instances
so that I can correct errors in the local KB


  1. Scenario:

    • Given a title instance AND user with permission "Agreements: Edit e-resources"

    • When I view the search and filter for e-resources

    • Then I see an Actions menu with the option "Move identifier(s)"

  2. Scenario:

    • Given Actions menu in the e-resources search and filter

    • When I select "Move identifier(s)"

    • Then I'm prompted to search for the source and destination title instances

  3. Scenario:

    • Given the "Move identifier(s)" screen

    • When I have chosen a source title instance

    • Then I see the details of the selected TI and any related (sibling) TIs in the display, including all the identifiers for each title instance, with check boxes next to ID

  4. Scenario:

    • Given the "Move identifier(s)" screen

    • When I have chosen a destination title instance

    • Then I see the details of the selected destination TI and any related (sibling) TIs in the display, including all the identifiers for each title instance, with radio buttons for each instance

  5. Scenario:

    • Given the "Move identifier(s)" screen

    • When I have selected at least one ID from the source title instances and one title instance in the destination title instances

    • Then I have the option to Preview the changes

  6. Scenario:

    • Given the "Move identifier(s)" screen

    • When I preview changes

    • Then I see how the identifiers will be linked to each title instances after the changes I've specified are made

  7. Scenario:

    • Given the "Move identifier(s)" screen

    • When I preview changes

    • Then I have the option to cancel (don't make any changes), update titles and close (make changes and return to E-resource search and filter), or update titles and move more identifiers (make changes and return to the move identifiers screen with the same title instances still selected for source/destination

  8. Scenario:

    • Given the "Move identifier(s)" screen

    • When I select either of the 'update titles' options

    • Then the identifiers are recorded as linked to the title instances as specified

  9. Scenario:

    • Given the user attempts to move an identifier

    • When this would result in a single TI having multiple ISSNs

    • Then the move will not work and the user will see an error message indicating they cannot do this


100% Done



TestRail: Results



Owen Stephens May 11, 2022 at 11:22 AM

QA 2022-05-11:

Action menu/Move identifiers appears for users without the correct permissions. See scenario:

  1. Scenario:

    • Given a title instance AND user with permission "Agreements: Edit e-resources"

    • When I view the search and filter for e-resources

    • Then I see an Actions menu with the option "Move identifier(s)"
      Only users with this permission should see the Move identifiers option
      Additionally note that the Action menu should only display if at least one action is available for the user (we have this pattern elsewhere)








Development Team



Morning Glory (R2 2022)

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created January 23, 2022 at 8:20 PM
Updated August 24, 2022 at 12:49 PM
Resolved August 8, 2022 at 9:46 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs