Display list of "Other amendments on parent license" on Amendment view
is blocked by
hideTestRail: Results
Aditya matukumalli August 2, 2021 at 3:26 PMEdited
1) Use the LicenseAmendments component to diplay the accordion
2) Change needs to be added to the amendment.js file
3) Check for the length of the license.amendments and display the LicenseAmendments component only if the length is greater than 1. (scenarion 2)
4) Add a label prop to the LicenseAmendments component with a default prop of the current label. Tweak the accordions label in there to be dynamic and accept the label prop as required by this story.
5) Needs a new translation entry.
Created July 22, 2021 at 8:46 AM
Updated October 6, 2021 at 3:22 PM
Resolved September 24, 2021 at 4:11 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
User story statement(s):
As an ERM librarian
I want to be able to see a list of other amendments on the parent license from the amendment I am currently viewing
so that I can more easily differentiate between amendments
As an ERM librarian
I want to be able to navigate to other amendments on the parent license from the amendment I am currently viewing
so that I can more easily move between amendments on the same parent license
Given a parent license with more than one amendment
When I view one amendment
I see an accordion headed "Amendments on parent license"
I see a badge in the accordion showing the number of amendments on the parent license
on opening the accordion I see an MCL list of all amendments on the parent license with their Name, Status, Start date and End date
Given a parent license with only one amendment
When I view that amendment
Then the "Amendments on parent license" accordion does not display
The MCL displaying the list of amendments is the same as that used to display the list of amendments on the License view