Agreements: Title view: UX improvements
hideTestRail: Results

Jag Goraya October 14, 2020 at 3:14 PM
For Honeysuckle

Gill Osguthorpe October 6, 2020 at 12:18 PMEdited
, I think you added this.
1. Accordion title
Remove [:e-resource name] from the accordion to make it "Options for acquiring: <resource name>"
Did you intend for the accordion title to become static, e.g: "Options for acquiring this e-resource", to match the accordion "Agreements for this e-resource"?

Claudia Malzer October 6, 2020 at 12:01 PMEdited
The general aim is to remove the "-" from all MCLs. The hyphen needs to be displayed in empty key-value pairs but not in MCL columns.
ok, I'll check if the component is only used in MCLs :

Gill Osguthorpe October 6, 2020 at 11:51 AM
Experimenting with the settings is difficult as we have a large variety of text widths in the coverage data
the min / max settings of columnWidth seem not to work as we hoped so I decided to set it to 220 in this case
Ok we'll give this a go thanks.

Gill Osguthorpe October 6, 2020 at 11:50 AM
4. "Platform" column
If the Platform is empty display nothing (do not display "-")
this will be an ERM system wide change, it comes from the TitleOnPlatformLink component from stripes-erm-components
Or do you have another idea Aditya matukumalli?
Hi . The general aim is to remove the "-" from all MCLs. The hyphen needs to be displayed in empty key-value pairs but not in MCL columns.


In the "Title" preview pane, for a title which has agreements linked to it, make the changes described,
"Agreements for this e-resource" MCL
1. "Name" column
Set the column width to min=200 and max=400
2. "Parent package" column
Set the column width to min=200 and max=400
Column heading is incorrect - this column should be headed "E-resource" not "Parent package"
3. Acquisition method column
Currently the col width is too wide for the content because the column label is forcing the width. The label should be forced to wrap like it does in the "Options for acquiring e-resource" MCL.
4. Agreement rows
Display the agreement icon before the Agreement Name in the Name col of the MCL
If the agreement status = "Closed" display the grey icon.
Sorts not being done until discussion around ERM-1159 resolved
5. Add sorts to the columns:
Acquisition method
"Options for acquiring e-resource" MCL
Note to developer: It is important that the buttons in this MCL aren't pushed off screen. Please review the column width settings as you go and experiment with the max and min settings.
1. Accordion title
Remove the e-resources name from the accordion to make it static: "Options for acquiring e-resource"
2. "External data source" column
Rename column to "Data source", from External data source
3. "Parent package" column
Column heading is incorrect - this column should be headed "Name" not "Parent package"
4. "Platform" column
If the Platform is empty display nothing (do not display "-")
Add a max width to the column (possibly use the same max width as the parent package column)
5. "E-resource basket" column
Change column name to "Actions" from "E-resource basket"
"Add title" button - change beginning of tooltip: Insert the text "to basket:" as follows: Add to basket: title in package...
"Add package" button - change beginning of tooltip: Insert the text "to basket:" as follows: Add to basket: package...
"Remove from basket" button:
Change the label to "Remove title" or "Remove package" (currently reads "Remove from basket" for both title and package).
Change the tooltip: Insert text "from basket" as follows:
Remove from basket: package...
Remove from basket: title in package...
6. " Coverage" column
The column tends to take up too much space currently and forces the Add package/title buttons too far to the right hand side. The min and max settings on this column elsewhere are set to 250 and 320 but these might not be appropriate in this instance. Please experiment with the settings.
Sorts not being done until discussion around ERM-1159 resolved
7. Add sorts to the columns:
Data source
Acquisition method