Errors when receiving ongoing order


In Chalmers Fameflower dry run, I'm testing receiving a piece for a print journal. I want to add an item to inventory while receiving.

I'm encountering several issues here.

When adding the item, I have to enter the location once more, even though I've already entered when adding the piece in advance.

After having entered location, other already populated mandatory fields gets un-populated.

After populating the mandatory fields again, I get an error saying "Item can't be created".

Nevertheless, the item is added to the holding in inventory, but without populated barcode and volume fields. (Since I did not fill them in again, only the mandatory fields.)

Please see screen recording. I've also attached HAR-file.

I'm happy to go through this with as soon as possible, to see if there are settings that need to be changed.
(My user has all permissions.)

Steps to reproduce:
1. Login to Chalmers' FOLIO Fameflower dry run
2. Go to Receiving app
3. Find a POL for an ongoing order, for example 10627-1

4. Klick Add piece and enter Caption, Select location (Location and piece format is already populated).
5. Click Add item
6. Enter a barcode, Select material type (Physical item), Volume, Permanent loan type (Journal issue loan)

7. Expected behaviour: To have Permanent location pre-populated as this was populated when adding the piece.
Actual behaviour: I have to use Location look-up to select a permanent location

8. Save and Close
Expected result
To see the item in Inventory under the chosen location, with chosen barcode, volume, material type and permanent loan type.
Also in Receiving app, to see the piece under Received, with barcode and volume.
Actual result
The form indicates that Material type and permanent loan types is not populated.
Volume field is empty.

9. I'm refilling in the mentioned fields again and click Save and Close

10. Expected result same as under 8.
Actual result
Message "Item can't be created"

In Inventory the item is created. (And if having remembered to again fill in Barcode and volume, the information is indeed saved to inventory.)

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround



  • 20 May 2020, 08:48 AM
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  • 19 May 2020, 03:47 PM



TestRail: Results



Dennis Bridges June 16, 2020 at 9:19 PM

Yes, we have changed the workflow slightly for the Q2 release. As a result the user will not be able to reproduce this error.

Theodor Tolstoy ( June 16, 2020 at 10:30 AM

Has this fix been deployed ?

Dennis Bridges May 20, 2020 at 5:36 PM

Thanks again I just wanted to add a note regarding our discussion today. After walking through the error and discussing the workaround (Creating items directly in inventory) we have agreed to focus on solving this issue for the Q2 release rather than trying a hotfix in Fameflower. We will be working on a permanent solution that also addresses some of the ux issues with the current workflow and I will capture the approach in the description of the related issue.

Marie Widigson May 20, 2020 at 8:53 AM

Hi .

I think that for staff to be able to use the functionality, they need to rely on it behaving consistently. I've today been able to add a copuple of item from Receiving without seeing th error message yet, happy for that!

Also think I see a pattern regarding the barcode and status behaviour and guess that the functionality is designed for Scenario C. I think Scenario B is the problematic one. For us this is the most natural way of handling it so I think it should be getting some care. We would not normally add items in advance for journal issues.

Scenario A. Add piece-button only.
When going from start to finish from Add piece, barcode is saved also under Received. Status becomes In process.
I first click Add item (populate Barcode, Material type, Volume and Permanent loan type), hit Save and Close.
Then in Edit piece, I click Quick receive.

Scenario B. Receiving a prepared piece under Expected accordion and adding item.
When using a prepared piece and clicking on the arrow to edit the piece, barcode is NOT saved under Received. Status becomes On order.
I do the exact same procedure as in scenario A, but starting with an expected piece.

Scenario C Prepare piece and Add item.
Status becomes On order when the piece is still expected.

Add item is greyed out but that's not intuitive to understand that this means that there is already an item added for this piece.

Barcode is added under Received and status changed to In process.

Dennis Bridges May 19, 2020 at 4:51 PM

Hi can you give me little more direction regarding what is most important to you about this issue. Is it that the item status is sometimes on order when the piece has been received or that the barcode does not always appear. I think they may be related but just in case they aren't I want to know which would be the bigger issue? thanks!

Regarding the location issue I believe MODORDERS-356 will resolve it but I need to confirm this as we may need to some additional work beyond that as well.






TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 17, 2020 at 8:38 AM
Updated June 17, 2020 at 7:14 AM
Resolved June 17, 2020 at 7:14 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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