Having to expand holdings accordion in order to add first item or view holding is seen as uneccessarily cumbersome
Potential Workaround
hideTestRail: Results
Lisa Sjögren September 4, 2020 at 8:53 AM
I've reset this CHAL issue to In code review and assigned it to myself while we wait for it to be deployed to and verified in the Chalmers environment with Honeysuckle. (Unless someone at EBSCO wants it assigned to them, but since we expect this to be deployed with an official upgrade I think it makes sense to assign it to someone at Chalmers. ping )
Lisa Sjögren September 4, 2020 at 8:42 AM
Thank you for the update, and for getting this fixed, ! It looks really great!

Charlotte Whitt September 4, 2020 at 7:46 AM
Hi - this ticket has now been solved - and . The update can be verified in FOLIO Snapshot, and will be available in the Honeysuckle release (planned release date 11/23/2020).
See test record available in FOLIO Snapshot (9/4/2020) - https://folio-snapshot.dev.folio.org/inventory/view/aaf8d730-b487-4d3a-b6ce-590097c6e506?query=the%20test&sort=title
Lisa Sjögren May 6, 2020 at 9:03 AM
(I think we added comments at the exact same time.)
Looks good!
Btw has there ever been talk about adding a little more space between "Add holdings" button and collapsed holdings accordions? When you have items expanded you get a bit of extra margin below that, but when the accordion is collapsed it looks a bit squshed.
(in Snapshot).

Charlotte Whitt May 6, 2020 at 8:13 AM
Given a an instance which has a holding without items, I want to be able to click Add item or View holding without first having to expand the accordion. These buttons should be predictably displayed in the same position whether the accordion is expanded or collapsed.
The current behavior, where in order to add an item or view the detailed holding for a holding with 0 items I need to first expand the accordion, is experienced as unnecessarily cumbersome and confusing because
expanding the accordion when there is no item data in it (the reason why it's collapsed in the first place) doesn't really make sense.
when the accordion is (automatically or manually) expanded View holding and Add item buttons are displayed in line with the "accordion header" (and thus are perceived to be located outside rather than inside the accordion)