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PTF - Data Export Test Report (Fameflower)

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In this workflow, we are checking the performance of exporting MARC Bib records workflow running in the Fameflower release - 

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

We tested with 1, 2 virtual users for 30 minutes.  A longevity test will also be executed to see if there were memory issues.


  • mod-data-export-1.1.1
  • mod-source-record-storage-3.1.4
  • mod-source-record-manager-2.1.4
  • okapi-2.38.0


  • folio_data-export-1.0.2


  • 7.2 million UChi SRS records
  • 7.2 million inventory records
  • 55 FOLIO back-end modules deployed in 110 ECS services
  • 3 okapi ECS services
  • 8 m5.large  EC2 instances
  •  db.r5.xlarge AWS RDS instance
  • INFO logging level

High-Level Summary

  1. EXPLAIN ANALYZE statements were found which increases the overall execution time by 100%.
  2. SQL query takes 38 seconds to export 1 instance record and grows linearly with the number of records. Therefore with 5 instance records, it takes over 5+ minutes.

Test Runs


Virtual Users


OKAPI log level

OKAPI Version


Avg Total time to Export 1 instanceAvg Total time to Export 5 instancesAvg Total time to Export 6 instances



30 min




1 minute5 minutes 58 seconds6 minutes 43 seconds



30 min




2 minutes 32 seconds11 minutes 10 seconds11 minutes 52 seconds



30 min




1 minute 20 seconds6 minutes 14 seconds6 minutes 44 seconds



30 min




2 minutes 40 seconds10 minutes 53 seconds11 minutes 52 seconds


  1. Overall data export of Bib Marc record's time in seconds

    Average (minutes)75th %tile (minutes)

    1 inventory instance5 inventory instances6 inventory instances1 inventory  instance5 inventory instances6 inventory instances
    1 user1.305.966.72331.405.976.72
    2 users2.6611.1711.882.7512.8813.34

    Above data export jobs are run against 7.2 million SRS records. As we increase the number of inventory instance, export time linearly increases with the number of records. Data export fails after running with 6 instances. Since it is an asynchronous task, the export job does not fail immediately. So for example exporting 6 instances will eventually fail but will still take 6 minutes until it stops.

       2. Slow APIs taking more than 100 ms to return

API1 user (75th %tile)2 users (75th %tile)
POST_/data-export/fileDefinitions/{id}/upload - 1 instance1.02 minutes1.33475 minutes
API5 instances6 instances

Time - 6 minutes 13 seconds

SRS records successfully retrieved

Time - 6 minutes 40 seconds

SRS records failed to retrieve due to Time-out error

JVM Profiling

  • Overall slow methods (between the modules profiled: okapi, mod-data-export, mod-source-record-storage)


The database does not show much CPU usage for 1, 2 users run. At maximum 40%-50% CPU usage for the high case of 2 users exporting 6 inventory instances.

The following WARNING statements of missing indexes were generated  by mod-source-record-storage during a test run:

WARNING: Doing LIKE search without index for records.jsonb->'externalIdsHolder'->>'instanceId', CQL >>> SQL: externalIdsHolder.instanceId == bd2a6f64-7b77-42b6-a100-568b33e836ad >>> lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->'externalIdsHolder'->>'instanceId')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent('bd2a6f64-7b77-42b6-a100-568b33e836ad'))
WARNING: Doing LIKE search without index for records.jsonb->'externalIdsHolder'->>'instanceId', CQL >>> SQL: externalIdsHolder.instanceId == 0b9dda1d-ba76-4296-aa2b-056d3fb7debe >>> lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->'externalIdsHolder'->>'instanceId')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent('0b9dda1d-ba76-4296-aa2b-056d3fb7debe'))
WARNING: Doing LIKE search without index for records.jsonb->'externalIdsHolder'->>'instanceId', CQL >>> SQL: externalIdsHolder.instanceId == d31ca25c-756a-4cc9-b85b-6e9a4b5755a6 >>> lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->'externalIdsHolder'->>'instanceId')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent('d31ca25c-756a-4cc9-b85b-6e9a4b5755a6'))
WARNING: Doing LIKE search without index for records.jsonb->'externalIdsHolder'->>'instanceId', CQL >>> SQL: externalIdsHolder.instanceId == ce8d0d63-7e4f-4630-9f44-350a8cc2984d >>> lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->'externalIdsHolder'->>'instanceId')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent('ce8d0d63-7e4f-4630-9f44-350a8cc2984d'))
WARNING: Doing LIKE search without index for records.jsonb->'externalIdsHolder'->>'instanceId', CQL >>> SQL: externalIdsHolder.instanceId == a6faacc9-3cdd-44ec-9df7-4c29b5315b98 >>> lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->'externalIdsHolder'->>'instanceId')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent('a6faacc9-3cdd-44ec-9df7-4c29b5315b98'))

RDS Postgresql slow queries:

  1. Export 1 inventory instance record:
fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage@folio:[7395]:LOG:  statement: SELECT id, jsonb, totalrows FROM get_records('WHERE lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''957a8840-e3ad-4c2b-83c3-23333391095d'')) ', '', 10, 0, 'fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage')
fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage@folio:[7395]:LOG:  duration: 38243.470 ms

fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage@folio:[7395]:LOG:  statement: EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT id, jsonb, totalrows FROM get_records('WHERE lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''957a8840-e3ad-4c2b-83c3-23333391095d'')) ', '', 10, 0, 'fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage')
fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage@folio:[7395]:LOG:  duration: 41883.335 ms

Total duration: 38243.470 ms + 41883.335 ms = ~1 minute 20 seconds

      2. Export 5 inventory instance records:

fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage@folio:[31709]:LOG:  statement: SELECT id, jsonb, totalrows FROM get_records('WHERE ((((lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''bd2a6f64-7b77-42b6-a100-568b33e836ad''))) OR (lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''0b9dda1d-ba76-4296-aa2b-056d3fb7debe'')))) OR (lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''d31ca25c-756a-4cc9-b85b-6e9a4b5755a6'')))) OR (lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''ce8d0d63-7e4f-4630-9f44-350a8cc2984d'')))) OR (lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''a6faacc9-3cdd-44ec-9df7-4c29b5315b98''))) ', '', 10, 0, 'fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage')
fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage@folio:[31709]:LOG:  duration: 177984.112 ms

fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage@folio:[31709]:LOG:  statement: EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT id, jsonb, totalrows FROM get_records('WHERE ((((lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''bd2a6f64-7b77-42b6-a100-568b33e836ad''))) OR (lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''0b9dda1d-ba76-4296-aa2b-056d3fb7debe'')))) OR (lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''d31ca25c-756a-4cc9-b85b-6e9a4b5755a6'')))) OR (lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''ce8d0d63-7e4f-4630-9f44-350a8cc2984d'')))) OR (lower(f_unaccent(records.jsonb->''externalIdsHolder''->>''instanceId'')) LIKE lower(f_unaccent(''a6faacc9-3cdd-44ec-9df7-4c29b5315b98''))) ', '', 10, 0, 'fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage')
fs09000000_mod_source_record_storage@folio:[31709]:LOG:  duration: 180791.965 ms

Total duration: 177984.112 ms + 180791.965 ms = ~5 minute 57 seconds

CPU and Memory Utilization

CPU was stable throughout the runs, only a spike here or there, but in a 30 minutes run they were consistent. 

Memory utilization is also stable for 1-2 users run while exporting 6 inventory instances against 7.2 million SRS records. Maximum utilization is around 52% - 55%. 



Recommended improvement

  • On average, we can improve performance by 50% if we remove redundant "EXPLAIN ANALYZE" query call on mod_source_record_storage.records table
  • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


For more raw data of the test runs please see the attached data-export-test-report.xls.

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