Ramsons UAT - Mediated requests 1 - (Search, Filter, Confirm item arrival, Send item in transit)
Brief description
This is the first test for Mediated requests functionality, focusing on Search, Filter, Confirm item arrival, and Send item in transit functionality. The goal of this test is to verify that Users of the Mediated requests app. can successfully complete each of the steps below.
Search for Mediated requests
Filter Mediated requests
Confirm item arrival
Send item in transit
Testing will take place November 4 through 12, 2024. Please submit any feedback by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
Test environment: FOLIO Please note that the testing environment is available between 3 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET and testing will need to be planned accordingly.
Feedback form: Mediated requests (part 1) Feedback Form
Test credentials: (username/password)
Test affiliation: College (Instructions on checking & changing affiliation)
Jira feature: UXPROD-4657: Mediated requests part 1 (Base app./home)Closed
Related videos and information
General overview of Mediated requests app. The link below is to a recent video demonstration of requesting functionality as well as the mediated requests app. You do not need to sign in to access the recording. Watching this demo before you test may help you to be more comfortable testing.
Confirm item arrival behavior:
Send item in transit behavior:
Mediated request statuses and Requests UI interaction
Follow the steps below and use the feedback form linked above to record your results.
Use search to find a Mediated request
Log in to FOLIO
Navigate to the Mediated requests app
Using the search box or filters on the left, [look for one of the requests] -
Title: Test1 or Alex
Barcodes: m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, to m20
Select the request by clicking on it’s line in the results table
Review the following in the Request details pane: Fulfillment preference, Pickup service point
Use filters to find a Mediated request
Log in to FOLIO
Ensure you are affiliated with the Secure tenant
Navigate to the Mediated requests app
Use the Mediated request status filter to filter messages by New - Awaiting confirmation
Scroll through the Mediated requests that appear in the main pane of the Mediated requests app, ensure they have the Mediated request status of “New - Awaiting confirmation”, and locate one of the Mediated requests from Step 1 (Use search to find a Mediated request)
Click on the request
Confirm item arrival
Log in to FOLIO
Navigate to the Mediated requests app
Use the Mediated request status filter to filter messages by Open - In transit for approval; Make note of one of the barcodes.
Using the Mediated requests activities dropdown on the left, select Confirm item arrival.
Scan or manually enter item barcode information into box and click Enter
Review the details of the loan that should be displayed in a list below the item barcode entry field.
Ensure the Mediated request status has updated to “Open - Item arrived”.
Send item in transit
Log in to FOLIO
Navigate to the Mediated requests app
Using the Mediated requests activities dropdown on the left, select Send item in transit.
Scan or manually enter item barcode from step 3 into box and click Enter
Review the details of the loan that should be displayed in a list below the item barcode entry field.
Ensure the Mediated request status has updated to “Open - In transit to be checked out”.
Note: Print functionality pending.