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Metadata Management
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Created by
Peter Murray
(Dec 14, 2016)
The Metadata Management SIG works with developers to define essential bibliographic management functions: creating, editing, suppressing, deleting, importing, exporting, replacing, overlaying, and reporting. Defines essential data elements of a bibliographic control module. Explores various formats/schema that should be incorporated into FOLIO (MARC, RDA, BIBFRAME, Dublin Core, etc.) Considers metadata storage and harmonization between traditional library materials, knowledge bases, and other forms of information managed by libraries. Also suggests requirements for holdings and item records, item statuses, and location types and location codes. Defines core authority functions. Advises developers on the interactions needed between libraries and vendors to allow for creation and loading of bibliographic and authority records. Plans for flexibility in light of rapid technological changes. Focuses on data interchangeability as a key component for greater inter-library cooperation. Coordinates closely with Business Operations Management and Resource Access SIGs.