2021-10-13 Meeting notes

2021-10-13 Meeting notes




  • Look at Users documentation to supplement with demos or videos

Discussion items

15 minHonorificsBjörn
  • Did we make a decision to put honorifics in Custom Fields?
    • We discussed it, but didn't make any decisions.
    • At the moment, Honorifics don't exist outside of Custom Fields.
    • Does it need to be? We'll pick up the discussion next week.
 45 min Documentation discussionLaurence
  • Laurence took point on this discussion, since he had specific feedback regarding the documentation.
    • The text in the "Active/Inactive" section is geared toward academic libraries.
    • There are definitions of "active" and "inactive," but what that means regarding the effect on users and patrons
    • Christine will work on this for the Iris release
  • What needs a walkthrough?
    • Request fulfillment preferences
      • Hold shelf or Delivery
      • Pickup service point
  • Documentation should include new features for each release.  Notes are unclear, but a part where the changes are listed and where they can be found is desirable.

Action items


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