2021-09-29 Meeting notes

2021-09-29 Meeting notes




  • We invited people who had implemented Folio, or were in the process of implementing Folio, so that we could field questions about any trouble they had with User Management.  None of the members of the Implementers Slack channel took us up on the invitation.  So we used the time for an open discussion.

Discussion items

"Bad" characters in patron group names
  • It's been discovered that a patron group with a period or comma in the name won't filter in a search.  This was an unpleasant surprise.
  • This information is kept in the circulation rules on github.

Demos to help with new libraries adopting FolioPatty
  • We discussed what topics that might need further explanation, or to bend the learning curve when it comes to adopting Folio.
    • "Introduction to the Users App" for Juniper
      • What questions to ask about source data?
      • Permissioning
    • User deletion is not in the documentation

Action items


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