2021-08-18 Meeting notes

2021-08-18 Meeting notes




  • Magda will give us a second walk through the mockups
  • Discuss priority of the fields that need to be supported by the Bulk Edit
  • Time permitting:
    • Review delete limitation
    • Start talking about permissions.

Discussion items

5 minNote takerChristine Tobias

Christine graciously agreed to take notes

18 minBulk Edit User Search QueryMagda
  • The mockup showed a Search by patron group -
    • Preview displays 100 results per screen, but there is a full count of results displayed
      • Last name, First Name, Barcode, Patron Group, Username, Status are fields (columns) shown in preview
      • Could we include Expiration Date in the preview?
    • The Export list can include additional criteria 
      • Choose columns to include via a checklist
        • Have an “All” option to include all fields in exported report
        • If we can’t have a checklist, then export report should automatically include all fields
    • The pilot will download full report as .csv file to local machine
  • Limited number of fields to select in query currently, but more fields and values will be available as product is developed
    • Patron Group: User barcode, permissions, status, email
  • Queries can be simple (Search terms should include equals, not equals, in, not in, contains). Sometime in the future, searching by regular expressions will be added.
3 minUser search identifiersMagda
  • We will search by:
    • User UUID’s
    • User Barcodes
    • Username
    • External ID
    • Some staff would use the External System ID, but developers may need to use UUID.
  • Preview shows full count of records that match query. Shows record identifiers queried. Displays file name of .csv file downloaded. Displays error notes, if any.
  • In the previous meeting, we stated we wanted to see the errors in a query result set.  Possible error notes:
    • Duplicate entries
    • Error while downloading report
    • No match found
6 minEdit operationsMagda
  • Review Records - We were in favor of removing this screen from preview since we have already downloaded a list, and there will be a Preview screen.
  • BE-User-Editing 1 - Choose operation for bulk editing: Add to existing, Replace all with, Find and remove
  • BE-User-Editing 2 - Add an identifier to bulk operation.  This is a second edit on the same screen. So we can Add the users to the Alumni patron group, and change their email address in the same operation.
  • The user can add other fields to the edit.
9 minConfirm EditingMagda
  • This screen confirms edit details
    • Shows preview of records affected by the bulk edit
    • Shows count of records affected by the bulk edit
  • Can we have the option to download report so we can see which records were changed and what changes were made?
5 minSuccess ConfirmationMagda
  • Message displays when records are updated successfully
  • Should we have an email message sent about update?
  • Can we queue update? If queued, could we have a confirmation email stating that update occurred?
    • This should be an option to choose, immediate vs. option; balances need for immediate change vs. resources needed.
  • Can we have an “Undo” or “Cancel” option?
    • How long would it be available after the edit was run?
    • "Cancel" would be more helpful if we queue batch edits.
    • Should we have a place where there are logs/reports of the batches, so they can be reviewed if needed?
    • Can we save an edit, and use it again in the future (such as when moving users to a different patron group)?
8 minSuccess with ErrorsMagda
  • These errors/failures occurred in the update.
  • If there are errors in the batch, should the entire job fail and not update anything, or should the error records be skipped?
    • As long as there's a list of failed updates, skip the error records and apply the edit to the other records.
  • What can go wrong?
    • Operator error results in bad data.  It can't be eliminated, so it should be planned for.
6 minChoose Delete OperationMagda
  • Preview of records to be deleted...but do we want to scroll through a full preview?
  • Preview includes notifications of records that cannot be deleted and the reason (i.e., active patron block, open loans, etc.)
  • Can we set limiters at the local level for what should fail? Which transactions should limit deletion of user records?
5 minHomeworkAll members
  1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/138eTmCiZbZ1F-kZL71_GsRR4zePNyuUG/edit#gid=1015505883 
    Prioritize User fields to be used in searching and in editing
  2. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5-3hIgKlNd7IefuLkh3Kk54dy5ha6vX8HUncvlunB5wCm0w/viewform
    Fill out this survey of tools we currently use for bulk edits.

Action items


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