20 min | Implement patron PIN number as separate password field (authentication token) for circulation. https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-1811 | Björn | Leipzig has been trying to work out the best model for where to store this information. PINs are used by libraries to add authentication to a 3rd party system like a self check, or as general authentication if the library does not have another LdP system. PINs need to be stored somewhere in FOLIO, so some decisions have to be made regarding where to store them and how security should be maintained. How could PIN numbers be imported? Import through the mod-user import (set by library) Patron has to initially set PIN w/external form – interact with edge-patron PIN set or reset link like password
Jana, representing RA, said that they want a staff member with permissions to be able to see the PIN field and be able to click a reset PIN button that acts the same as the password reset button. There are still people who don’t have email, so the link is also needed. In this case the patron authentication will be barcode + pin STORING THE PIN Would discovery use the Edge-Patron API? Create a NEW mod-PIN-storage? Or a new feature in mod-users? Use cases: - User Management agreed this PIN functionality should be in the User UI