2021-06-09 Meeting notes

2021-06-09 Meeting notes




  • Discuss what user data needs to be kept in sync between apps, and how that's supposed to be done.
    • FOLIO-1331 - Getting issue details... STATUS

      Define and describe the architecture for how to keep data in sync across multiple apps

    • FOLIO-1273 - Getting issue details... STATUS Define and describe the architecture for seamless push and pull of data between apps
    • AppInt:Data synchronization document App-interaction SIG has been putting together.

Discussion items

5 minNote takerAmelia Sutton

Amelia has graciously volunteered to take notes

5 minNotes pop-upKahlilah GambrellKahlilah has told us in the Slack channel that the feature of the Notes pop-up is ready in folio-snapshot. Testing and input is welcomed.
30 minDiscuss what user data needs to be kept in sync between apps, and how that's supposed to be done.  What data does User Management need to share/sync with other apps?Maura Byrne
  • JIRA tickets and document listed above reflect work done by the App-Interaction SIG.
  • Do user permissions need to be included in the document above?
  • UM-SIG's biggest feature is deletion of users, with dependency checks that occur before deletion. (Also a feature for making the dependency checks without any user deletion.)
  • The tickets listed in the Goals section focus on places where an app stores non-referential data from records in another app, and where that data needs to be kept in sync in near real time
  • User records are unaware of any other records that point to them and so there is no way to make dependency checks on deletion. Current deletion architecture dependency checks are hard coded and not sustainable.
  • Some ability to register dependencies would assist with these deletion issues, as Modules would have a way to know if there are dependencies that might become problematic on data changes.
    • Hard dependencies that indicate relationships that would break things.
    • Soft dependencies that indicate relationships that would not necessarily break things if data change (ex.: a Loan record for an item checked out to a proxy borrower whose record has been deleted will result in just a UUID showing up where the user's info had been).
    • Ideally, it would be nice to be able to configure tenants to register dependencies between modules and whether they are hard or soft.
  • In general the User’s app does not have much of an internal problem with keeping data synced because User records don’t store any external data.
  • Maura will bring these comments to the App-Intereaction SIG meeting on Friday.

Next weekBjörn M.We will discuss UM priorities for the next release.

Action items
