2021-06-02 Meeting notes

2021-06-02 Meeting notes




  • Wrap up discussion of Documentation page and Glossary
  • Wireframes for custom fields searching

Discussion items

5 minNote-takerAmelia SuttonAmelia has graciously agreed to take notes today.
5 minWrap up Documenation discussionChristine Tobias
  • The draft is due on June 4.   Our comments are due to be incorporated into the documentation by June 26. The documentation itself is scheduled to be published on or about July 9.
  • There were some terms that we listed as "needed" in the document.  Those definitions will not remain in the document, but will instead be in the in the glossary.  Some higher-level definitions will remain in the document, and they are:
    • Permissions
    • Service point
    • More as needed
  • With regard to Permissions and Permission sets:
    • There are Permission sets that were made by the Folio project and are available to be used by any tenant.  Whether those (or other locally-defined) permission sets are used by a tenant is determined by each tenant.  It is configurable.
    • The Permissions section should have some explanation of what individual permissions do.
      • The Users documentation will not list all of the permissions that exist for a particular release. Instead, we will link to other modules' documentation, where they list the permissions relevant to them.
  • Required fields will be indicated by "(required)" after the name of the field.
  • Tags and Notes are their own modules, and Users documentation will link to that documentation.

We have until Friday, June 4 to make comments before the documents go back to revision.

Wireframes for Custom Field searchPatty Wanniger
  • Duke has indicated a desire to search all fields to lookup by all custom field ids and/or patron barcode simultaneously
    • Wants the option of one search box that will search all user fields at once for a text string.
  • Each free text custom field should have its own option in the search dropdown
  • Filters for custom fields should show up the same way that all other filters do in the app
  • Long Term it will be important to be able to say “I want this custom field indexed for search” or “I don’t want this custom field indexed for search”

Demo User pop-up NotePatty Wanniger
  • Circ popup
    • If staff member has permission to delete note then the delete button shows up
    • Popup note should show once per session
      • The note isn’t showing up at the start of a new checkout session once the note has been dismissed.
      • We haven't established if we're talking about a checkout session or a browser session.  Patty will follow up with Khalilah.
    • Notes do not pop up in users app at all right now.

Action items


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