2021-05-13 Meeting notes

2021-05-13 Meeting notes




  • Discuss UIU-2165 (Searching custom fields in the Users app)
  • Discuss UXPROD-2927 (Allow a user to assign one locally-defined permission set to another locally-defined permission set)
  • Discuss MODUSERS-254 (Implement back-end only field to store patron PIN)

Discussion items

Searching custom fields in the Users appPatty W.

Patty wanted us to provide cases and feedback.

  • Freetext search boxes should be for open text fields
  • Other fields should act as filters
    • Radio buttons for presence of a value in a field
    • Click box to search text in selected custom fields
  • A popular option: Text fields are selectable in drop-down filters
  • Mapping the custom field type to a filter type may not be a locally-configurable decision.

 Adding a permission set to another permission setBjörn M.

The feature is present on folio-snapshot.  It is possible to test!

Maura will test on folio-snapshot, and write up the testing script.

Implement backend-only field to store patron PinBjörn M., Brooks T.
  • This is desired by many libraries.  Strongly.
  • The PIN should be encrypted, like the password.
  • PIN can't use mod-login, but should be kept in mod-patron.
    • Do we set the PIN using the mod-patron edge API?
    • There should be a part in the UI to set a patron PIN.
    • Possibly the UI would have a button to change the PIN in the user record.
    • The PIN should not have the same reset logic (or security standards) as passwords.
  • This is needed for Juniper.  This is very much needed for Juniper.
  • Brooks has some stories for the PIN where it interacts with INN-Reach.
  • Maura will bring to Sys-Ops using the #sys-ops Slack channel.

Action items


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