2021-04-07 Meeting Notes

2021-04-07 Meeting Notes

Meeting URL





Maura Byrne


Brooks Travis

Uschi Klute

Amelia Sutton


Cammie Wyckoff

Michelle Suranofsky

Andrea Loigman


Matthew Harrington

Darsi Rueda

Thomas Paige

Christine Tobias


  • Update on filtering user search on custom fields
  • A User Management app has been proposed.  Do we feel that we need one?  What information/functions should it have?
  • This page lists use cases for bulk edits.  Do we need to put anything there for editing uses?

Discussion items

5 minNote-taker

50 minFiltering/Searching users by custom fieldsPatty

Feature request: UXPROD-3033

User Story: MODCFIELDS-60

We'd hoped this would be a UI-only feature, but it is not.  It might be similar to Agreements/Supplemental properties, but Custom Fields don't have a controlled vocabulary.

We discussed how to search for a user in the Users app.  Should it be a filter that one can apply to a search? Or should it be a text search within a custom field? Different Custom Fields might require different kinds of searches.  Desired searches included:

  • Filter a search based on whether a custom field had any data in it.
  • Search for specific text within a freetext or textarea Custom Field in the drop-down search menu at the top.
  • Custom Fields present in accordions in the sidebar.
  • If a Custom Field is repeatable, and can have several values, a search similar to search for tags.
  • A search of all Custom Fields, or of a specific Custom Field, should have an option at the top of the drop-down menu for "All."
  • Freetext fields should be added to the search menu at the top of the sidebar.

This should be locally configurable.

*NOTE: This does not include any discussion of "Circulation in the moment" searches, such as using an Apple Watch ID to check out an item.  That is being worked on separately.

Patty will ask for some wireframes from a developer team, and come back to us.

5 minUser Management appMaura

This was made clear when we called it a "Permissions app."  We already have a Users app, and creating a separate Permissions app is what was proposed.  There was a great deal of interest in that. 

It will require a Product Owner.

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