2021-03-31 Meeting Notes

2021-03-31 Meeting Notes

Meeting URL





Christine Tobias



Maura Byrne

Cammie Wyckoff

Andrea Loigman

Michelle Suranofsky

Amelia Sutton

Philip Robinson

Brooks Travis

Uschi Klute

Darsi Rueda


  • Wrap up discussion of User Profile Pictures.  JIRA tickets:  UIU-1096 and UXPROD-36.
  • There is a page of use cases for Batch (or Bulk) editing of data.  Are there things that UM-SIG wants on that page?
  • Other SIGs are compiling glossary terms relevant to the apps they use.  We should begin such a document.
  • JIRA ticket UXPROD-1744 might become part of a request from App-Interaction SIG to create an app specifically for managing users.

Discussion Items


GlossaryMaura & Others

Maura proposed she put together a glossary for user management terms.
Would others contribute?
Patty has a map/data schema that could help (she will share it with Maura & Christine).
The glossary can be part of the overall UM SIG documentation.

Existing documentation:
Users - Information and User Guides for FOLIO Apps - FOLIO Wiki
Community Contributed Resources - Information and User Guides for FOLIO Apps - FOLIO Wiki
Welcome | FOLIO Documentation

Documenting mod-user-import was discussed.  GitHub documentation has improved.

  • mod-user-import is an okapi exposed API→ should be developer documentation not end user documentation.  Would be useful for system admins too (not just end users).
  • Boomi at Cornell - Independent integration middleware...integrates enterprise systems.  Using it for patron/user feeds.  Boomi integrates with mod-user.  Picks up changes & pushes them into FOLIO (in test right now).
  • A bit of confusion about when to use mod-user-import vs mod-user  for integrations and patron feeds.
    • de-activating a patron using mod-user-import is not useful at this time (data is chunked)

User profile picturesgroup
  • Erin proposed in a user story - until we get the profile picture – we ask to make it configurable so it can be turned off.  
    (Deprecate ...settings...users...profile picture)
    At this time, when the box is checked a generic image shows up on the user pages...but there is no way to upload a picture.
  • Storage of files
  • Security and frequent updates are issues with profile pictures
  • Is it really worth the dev time?   Settings is not heavily used.
  • Maybe worth writing a story for the user profile pictures?  Maybe the libraries where this is a high priority can create the user story.  Patty will reach out to BNCF.
  • [UIU-1096] Upload of User Profile Picture - FOLIO Issue Tracker     (exists as a bug - not a story)

File storagegroup
  • Is there a Jira for file storage as a whole in FOLIO?
  • How is file storage already handled for other modules (e.g. licenses)

Batch bulk editgroup

Batch (Bulk) Edit Use Cases - Metadata Management - FOLIO Wiki

If there is interest we can discuss this next week

App interaction SIG proposalgroup

App interaction SIG - Erin proposed  a user management app for dealing with things like user permissions/editing users.

We can discuss next week also.

Other storiesgroup

Filters on custom fields- backend is done...UI work needed.  

Search box for custom fields in users.
Patty will get back to us next week on this topic.

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