2021-03-03 Meeting Notes

2021-03-03 Meeting Notes





(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

Amelia Sutton

Brooks Travis

Michelle Suranofsky

Uschi Klute

Catherine Smith


Discuss, update, prioritize Discussion Items that we've brought up in 2021 and have not addressed while working on other things.


  1. Notes pop up at checkout (UXPROD-2814)  – Discussed January 6
  2. Merging duplicate user records created in error  –  Discussed January 13
  3. Add filter for permissions/permission sets in User app (UIU-1904)  –  Discussed January 27
  4. Preferred name  –  Discussed February 17

Discussion Items

5 minNote takerAmelia

Well done, Amelia!

25 minAlternative to UXPROD-2148 Multiple External System IDsErin
  • Duke will develop this feature
  • Proposed implementation: change to Mod Configuration to allow checkout to check custom fields for matches
  • This will in some way be an opt-in feature
  • Could this implementation be used to also allow custom fields as tokens in patron notices (UXPROD-2248)
  • How will security concerns around this be addressed?
  • Concerns about the removal of the original ticket that allows for multiple external system IDs in the User record directly. 
    • The original feature (UXPROD-2148) will be left in place and this will be built into its own ticket, the new feature will be linked to the old one
  • If custom fields are going to be used for many cases of duplicate fields then the custom fields will need many more features built out 
17 min

UXPROD-2814 - Pop-up notes at check out

  • Back-end work done, only front end work remaining.
  • Some questions about the “Close and do not show again” option shown in one of the mock-up pop-up
    • What permissions allow for the option to select “close and do not show again”
  • Switch positions of the “close” and “close and do not show again” buttons
  • Do we want to have the do not show again button at all? If the do not show again just turns off notification then we get notes left on user records after they have stopped popping up
  • Could we change to “close and do not show again” button to a “close and delete note” (of course only for staff with delete permissions)
2 minMerging Duplicate User Records (and reassigning associated dependencies)Patty
  • Patty will write a feature
2 min

Add filter for permissions/permission sets in User app (UIU-1904)

  • There has been some difficulty in implementing this feature.
2 minPreferred name Display at CheckoutPatty
  • Feature needs to be written

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