2021-01-06 Meeting Notes

2021-01-06 Meeting Notes




Maura Byrne

Amelia Sutton

Brooks Travis

Björn Muschall

Andy Horbal



Monica Arnold

Uschi Klute

Andrea Loigman

Nancy Burford


  • Discuss pop-up notes
  • User expiration
  • Sharing ideas regarding documentation

Discussion items

9:05Note-takerAmeliaAmelia has graciously volunteered to take notes.
9:05-9:10Sharing documentation ideasMauraSIG conveners are discussing sharing ideas/strategies for documentation, so that documentation can be consistent between SIGs.  Also, so we won't duplicate each others' efforts.
9:10-9:55Pop-up notes (UXPROD-2814)Patty

Pop-up notes are a solution developed for information related to a user that is relevant and persistent  (e.g., if a user has signed a legal agreement regarding borrowing a laptop).  If there is patron information that is relevant once, or should be resolved, staff members should be able to resolve the note and delete it.

Notes should be visible only to staff and not appear during a self-checkout.

Notes are its own app, and apply to all the other apps.  Allowing counter staff, for instance, to delete notes would give them the ability to delete notes in other apps, such as Orders.  Notes cannot be siloed to specific apps.  It might be that setting permissions such that a person who should not delete notes in a specific app not be granted view permissions for that app.  This doesn't work with planned workflows for some institutions.  Also, anyone with permissions to delete Notes can do so through the API, whether they can view an app through the UI or not.  For this reason, there were objections to developing Notes for temporary information.

We turned our attention to using Patron Blocks with no blocking actions for temporary, easily-resolved issues (e.g., "Your coat is in the lost-and-found"), and not advocating for further development of Notes for temporary informational notes.

9:55-10:00User expirationBjörn

Demo on folio-snaphot-dev.  Changing a user's patron group gives a pop-up to the screen asking if the expiration date should be recalculated to reflect the new default expiration date included in the new patron group.  The "recalculate" button works.

We should test this option and get comments back to Björn via Slack or email.

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