08-21-2024 Meeting Notes


Aug 21, 2024


  • @Maura Byrne @Christine Tobias @Erin Weller @Laurence Mini @Amelia Sutton


  • Discuss WOLFCon

 Discussion topics











WOLFCon Sessions


  • Three UM SIG sessions scheduled at WOLFCon: API’s, Intro to UM, Managing User Permissions

    • API’s:

      • Maura: Python, DBeaver, Postman with API’s to check and troubleshoot user permissions.

      • Amelia: Python with API’s to update user permissions and service points (User UUID, Permission ID).

    • Introduction to User Management

      • Show and tell Users app

        • Users app is a core functionality in FOLIO

      • Setting up permissions sets in your tenant

        • Nesting permission sets; adding individual permissions

        • Role-based permission sets

      • User Notes pop-ups and other unexpected functionalities

        • Warnings: A deleted note is gone forever. No recovery.

        • Notes permissions

        • UI interface - different from other ILS systems

        • Deleting user records - dependencies

      • Custom fields: what are they and how are they used?

      • Patron blocks

    • Permissions management

      • Strategies for assigning role-based permission sets

        • Consult with stakeholders!

        • Maura: How did we set up our permission sets initially? How did we make changes?

        • Erin, Christine: User Management Work Group (internal)

          • We are the assigners of permissions. We do not decide who gets which permissions.

          • Requests to update staff member’s permissions are emailed to the User Management Work Group (email distribution list).

          • Special permissions: SPC example

          • Record-keeping: Google Sheet

            • Permissions assigned

            • Work area

            • Service point(s) assigned

        • Amelia: Tiered permission sets based on apps used

          • 1 - View permissions

          • 2 - Editing permissions (with restrictions)

          • 3 - High-level editing permissions

          • 4 - Editing/Deleting permissions

          • Admin - change settings for an area

          • Decisions re: tiers made via committee for each app

      • Mutable vs. immutable permissions

      • Permission changes in each flower release.


 Action items
