2024-03-05 and onwards Discovery Survey working group

2024-03-05 and onwards Discovery Survey working group

Survey Group Members

Villanova University

Uwe Reh (notes)

Chalmers University of Technology
Bernd OberknappFreiburg
Cory LownStanford University Libraries
Matt Connolly


Review of the meeting with the PC

It seems that it was possible to draw some attention to the problems of the current situation. But unfortunately not enough to find strong supporters.
Nevertheless, Marie, Demian and Uwe considered the meeting a success.

Further steps

Unfortunately, we couldn't find the "golden" way. Several next steps were discussed:

  • Preparing a decision about having own edge modules like edge_patron or edge_rtac.
    (only mentioned)
  • Write a white paper outlining an ideal solution.
    (not realistic)
  • Write tickets.
    (to early)
  • Try to get EBSCO to become a partner
  • Prepare at least two sessions at the Wolfcon 2024.
    (if possible)
    • 1. Presentation of Uwe's 'rtac' alternative.
    • 2. open session for the exchange of views and short presentations
  • ...

Summary: No real roadmap was found. We will try again at the next meeting.

Next meeting

We have decided to go on with two weekly meetings.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday the 19th. March 2024

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