2024-08-23 Sys Ops & Management SIG Agenda and Meeting notes



Date and time

10 EDT



  1. Officially Supported Technologies / Technical Council process
  2. WolfCon Presentations



Officially Supported Technologies (OST) / Technical Council process

Ingolf Kuss
The Technical Council (TC) has asked for participation of the Sys Ops group in the process of updating the Officially Supported Technologies Webpages .
  1. Topic:
From the TC meeting 08/12 :
The TC needs to review comments on the Sunflower Page and move them to status ACCEPTED if no further changes are required. This is due until Aug 31st.

Julian Ladisch wants to go to JDK 21, LTS version. Marc Johnson concerned about the Operations work this will incur.  Taras Spashchenko agrees this will take some heavy lifting.

Ingolf: I want to discuss this in the Sys Ops group to see what they think about the work that this change will put on Sys Ops.

Jason Root: It has zero impact on folks who build from the Docker images. It only affects people who build from source.

(someone:) EBSCO is building from source.

Ingolf: I need to invite EBSCO people to the Sys Ops meeting, then. How do they handle upgrading Java ?

2. Topic
General Involvement of the SysOps Group in the upgrade process of the OST pages.
     - more a question about the process
     - an informational process
      - Dedicated Discussion topic in TC on 08/28: Refine the OST process to ensure better coordination between SysOps and the TC
Where:https://zoom.us/j/935492890(password: "folio-lsp")

When:  Wednesday 8/28 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET
Meeting Notes:
  1. Topic
** going to JDK 21, LTS **

Taras: When we switched from 8 to 11, it was tricky. There were significant changes in the JDK. Now the changes are more user friendly.
Java 21 will not bring any significant changes from the development and API perspective.
Others did not have any issues with this switch.
The Swicth from 11 to 17 was smoothly.
The Switch from 17 to 21 might also be smoothly. But teams need to keep it in their backlog.
Teams must change Jenkins pipeline. Currently it supports Java 17.
Jenkins uses Ubuntu Version 16. Not sure if we have this distribution of JDK for Ubuntu.
Kitfox team who is managing the environment in Kubernetes need to adjust their pipelines to support JDK 21.

This is all we have to do for the Open Source community. The rest will be on the hosters side. If they build their own images, they will
have to adjust their pipelines.
Main Change: Change the base docker images. For the main providers .. we have 17 and 21.
ESBCO uses RedHat universal image. There are 2 versions for 21 and 17.
Most providers have already published their version.
No change in the Terraform pipelines. Only change will be to use the new base image.

Jason: Memory Managament is better in 21; developers will be happy to switch to Java 21.

Taras: Who is responsible to do this Change for Okapi and the RMB library ? It will be in the Platform Core team.
If Julian is responsible , then he will do this task for JDK migration as well.

Ingolf: I will contact Julian Ladisch and ask him if he will do this task for Okapi and the RMB library.

Julian points out (in Confluence)

“OpenJDK 17 support is deprecated in Keycloak 22, and will be removed in a following release in favor of OpenJDK 21.”

We SysOps see that there is no relation between Keycloak and the other modules. It is only relevant for the Eureka architecture.
So, Julian's arguments are about Eureka.

Taras: Sunflower development starts in November. We have a couple of month to prepare the pipelines.
We can do that incrementally.

2. Topic

General involvement of Sys Ops in the OST upgrade process.

Sys Ops appreciate this. There is nothing to decide right now.

Minio minimal version

We should have a minimal version for Minio.

OST Minio vs. AWS - Minio community has a lot of releases.
Texas A&M & Ingolf (hbz) run minio.
It would be good to have a minimal version.
Jason uses bitnami Helmchart deployment. The version of the Helmchart is 14.X

The recent LTS version should be in the OST, the version from last month:
This one: https://github.com/minio/minio/releases/tag/RELEASE.2024-07-16T23-46-41Z

Postgres version

Jason: Poppy still support postgres 12, would like to get it to 14, if not 16.
Tobi: We have no problems using Postgres 15. Postgres 15 should not be a problem
Jason: We are moving from Oracle Linux to RedHat Linux.
Moving postgres, I have to do a "dup all". 246 GB are dumped out. It takes a while to dump and to restore. It is a hard downtime.
There is no read-only mode in FOLIO right now, not locally
Taras: Kitfox uses Helm Charts to deploy FOLIO. You can look at those.
Jason: I would like to manage it per individual chart.

Elasticsearch version / Helm version
What are the Helm charts for Elasticsearch ?
Josh (Stanford) : We use "Helm v2" charts. It is a lot better.
Jason: We should take down the version of Helm in the OST Page.
Using bitnami for Elasticsearch. ES 8.2.2 - Chart Version is 18.2.6

Eureka topic

When will this group return to the Eureka topic ? Are there any news on this since May 31st ?

Meeting Notes

Josh: I deployed Keycloak using Keycloak images.

Ingolf: No news from GBV Eureka effort since end of May. Efforts were in a kind of deadlock. German Sys Ops round (this morning) agreed that further progress on this topic will not be made before WolfCon.

This Group agrees that further progress on this topic will not be made before WolfCon. We will collect the information from the announced EBSCO presenations there and then get together.

WolfCon Schedule

WolfCon Schedule is out: https://wolfcon2024.sched.com/

Our session "Self Hosting in a New Architectural Environment" has been moved to 4:00-4:50 pm on Thursday, September 26


It is a working meeting.

There are 3 presentations abou the Eureka formalism:




Meeting Notes:
Only Josh and Jason will be there in person. Ingolf and Florian K. can't attend. Josh and Jason will get together before our session and collect ideas. It is a working meeting. There will be enough discussion items for a 50 minute meeting.


Chat Log

Sie an Alle 16:03

Taras an Alle 16:40

Sie an Alle 16:50
OST Page for Sunflower: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TC/pages/268436139/Sunflower
BVB Publlic Helm repository: https://gitlab.bib-bvb.de/folio-public/folio-helm/

Topics for next meetings

Ingolf: Talking about Helm Charts for FOLIO Deployment and sharing and re-using those Charts could be a topic for future meetings.

I hear Kitfox team has published a set of Charts, and Josh (Stanford) is beginning to use Helm for Deployment. Also, BVB/LRZ has published Helm Charts for FOLIO deployment. I myself am beginning to use those. Would be a valuable topic for future discussions.

Next meeting: Friday in two weeks, September 6th.

Action items

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