2019-06-05 Kubernetes Subgroup Meeting notes

2019-06-05 Kubernetes Subgroup Meeting notes






Discussion items

10minUpdate on AWS FOLIO setup

FOLIO-2053 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Meeting notes

Taras Spashchenko has successfully completed the installation and created documentation in Google Doc form, as well as adding a branch of folio-install. He also plans to create documentation on the FOLIO Wiki. With the completion of the installation, Taras will tear down the AWS environment. Wayne Schneiderwill create an AWS role for cluster deployment in the FOLIO AWS account and document in folio-install – see  FOLIO-2077 - Getting issue details... STATUS mark.stacyand Robert Douglaswill also add the information they've learned about AWS permissions


Update on  FOLIO-1550 - Getting issue details... STATUS

New linked issues:

FOLIO-2054 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FOLIO-2069 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FOLIO-2055 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FOLIO-2056 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FOLIO-2057 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Meeting notes

Tickets have been created for migrating the FOLIO CI environment to a Kubernetes cluster on AWS. The Platform: Core team is taking on this task, beginning this sprint. See the JIRA tickets for details.

5minTopics for future discussion

Meeting notes

jroot will be out the next two weeks

Action items