Quesnelia (R1 2024) Release Notes (old)

Quesnelia (R1 2024) Release Notes (old)

Important Upgrade Considerations

This section outlines all changes that require special consideration for customers in production.  Configuration changes may be needed to prevent operational interruptions.  See checklist for guidelines on how to fill this out. 

Changes and Required Actions

Functional AreaChange or AdditionConsiderationsAction timing,
Action required
CommentsContact person,
Related JIRAs
Affected app or moduleWhat has been changed or added that should be noted for this releaseWhat challenges may arise related to this change or addition

When can the action be taken (before, during or after upgrade)?

If applicable, detail what action(s) must be taken here

Is this action required for the next release?

Name of user leaving comment: comment on what you encountered or ask a question @mention Contact personUser name of person that can provide additional detail.
Include issue link for bug fix, story or feature that applies
MARC bib recordsMapping rules for bib records were updated 
PUT /mapping-rules/marc-bib/restore should be called to update mapping rules

Inventory, SRS, Data importDefault MARC Bib-Instance mapping rules for Contributor relator terms/codes were updated

Review the changes described in MODSOURMAN-837 - Getting issue details... STATUS and decide if the library's local default MARC Bib-to-Inventory Instance mapping should be updated with corresponding changes. See Contributor Relator Terms and Codes: Orchid Refinement for additional details.

Note that any revised mappings will only apply to Instances created or updated via MARC Bibs after the map is updated. To refresh existing Instances against the current SRS MARC Bibs and current map, the library may consider running Script 3 described here: Scripts for Inventory, Source Record Storage, and Data Import Cleanup

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) 
Inventory, SRS, Data importDefault MARC-Instance mapping rule added for MARC 720 field

Review the changes described in MODSOURMAN-873 - Getting issue details... STATUS and decide if the library's local default MARC Bib-to-Inventory Instance mapping should be updated with corresponding changes. See Contributor Relator Terms and Codes: Orchid Refinement for additional details.

Note that any revised mappings will only apply to Instances created or updated via MARC Bibs after the map is updated. To refresh existing Instances against the current SRS MARC Bibs and current map, the library may consider running Script 3 described here: Scripts for Inventory, Source Record Storage, and Data Import Cleanup

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) 
Settings, Circulation, Loan historyThe circulation setting "Loan history" as been updated to "Loan anonymization"Please note: The permission names have not been updated, and still refer to "Loan history"N/AN/A
Permissions, CirculationWith the permission "Settings (Circ): Can view loan history", the Save button on the Loan anonymization page is no longer visible (UICIRC-767).
In addition, a new permission has been created, "Settings (Circ): Can edit loan history", for which the Save button on the Loan anonymization page is visible and can be selected (UICIRC-766).
Please note: The permission names contain the old name of the setting (Loan history), but refer to the circulation setting Loan anonymization.Update your users' permissions and/or permission sets, as required.N/A

Edit: UICIRC-766
View: UICIRC-767


Circulation, RequestsRequest status is now a required property.Technically a breaking changeNo action required

While technically being a breaking change, this should not affect anyone because:

a) we never create requests without status programmatically

b) we scanned DBs of known tenants and did not find a single such request

New Apps

Removed Apps

Permissions Updates

AppNew PermissionsDeprecated PermissionsProduct Owner
Settings > Tenantui-tenant-settings.settings.location.view- "Settings (Tenant): View locations" - this will allow users to view the tenant location tree but be unable to create, update or delete institutions, campuses, libraries or locations
(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 

Known Issues


AppKnown issueWorkaroundJIRA issueProduct Owner

Additional known issues (Reminder change filter to Release = Quesnelia)

key summary type updated Potential Workaround Development Team status resolution Release

Notes on functionality

Tenant id restrictions: Underscores and hyphens are no longer allowed. The maximum length is 31 characters. These restrictions only apply when creating a new tenant id using Okapi's POST /_/proxy/tenants API. Existing tenant ids are not affected, rename is not needed. See also DR-000002 - Tenant Id and Module Name Restrictions and  OKAPI-1081 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

Post-Release Hotfixes

Date (verified in BugFest)Bug fixedDocumentation on GitHub
DateHotfix release (needs more info added here)github link

New Features by Epic (Sub-Project)

Closed Bugs

All Closed Bugs and Stories

Remaining Open Bugs at Time of Release