Honeysuckle bugfest - Regression issues triage

Honeysuckle bugfest - Regression issues triage

List of regression issues

KeySummaryDevelopment TeamProjectRoot causeAvoidance planComment
UIU-1952Successful change due date action says due date has changed for 0 itemsCore: Functionalui-usersDunno; WIP.
Not ready to call
UIU-1937Overdue loans report has incorrect label for Contributors columnCore: Functionalui-usersDunno. Looks like the translation key was missing. (Was it removed?) 
Need to implement TC
UIU-1935Errors when loading loansCore: Functionalui-usersdupes STSMACOM-452 (below)

label regression should be removed because root cause is STSMACOM-452

CB: Done

UIU-1932Change due date modal does not display number of requestsCore: Functionalui-usersdupes STSMACOM-452 (below)

label regression should be removed because root cause is STSMACOM-452

CB: Done

UIREQ-542Filter by Tags not WorkingCore: Functionalui-requestswe knew this was a likely side-effect of the STCOM-492 implementation. We also announced this in #stripes-updates on 2020-10-05.

UICHKOUT-666Calendar cut off in pop-upCore: Functionalui-checkoutrefactored component separately from the applicationvisual testing required here, seeing how components render in small spacesHave BrowserStack to catch such issues or verify responsive with Chrome emulation
UICHKIN-207Can't check in items after viewing check in notesCore: Functionalui-checkinwe unit test a, we unit test b, we never test a, b, a. (b left some stale state around)end-to-end test? there is no magic way to know, in the UI, when you're taking a stateful action, but checkin and checkout are known to be stateful and therefore deserve tests. manual exploratory testing could catch this in the future
STSMACOM-452Errors when changing due dateCore: Functionalstripes-smart-componentsrefactor to resolve UIU-1070 introduced a new bugadditional code review? (but we had 2!) additional test with large datasets?
MODINV-355Marking item missing clears check in note and check out note fieldsCore: Functionalmod-inventorymapping error

CIRC-970Renewal appears to fail when user has minimal permissionsCore: Functionalmod-circulationmissing permissionmanually test with minimal permissions

label regression should be removed and permission set should be updated

Additional integration test should be build and don't use diku_admin to run tests

CB: I don't agree that the label regression should be removed.  This looks like a classic "missing module permission" issue.  We have previously agreed that those should be considered regressions (as they are functional regressions from a user perspective). 

CIRC-967PubSub error when anonymizing loansCore: Functionalmod-circulationmissing permissionmanually test with minimal permissions

label regression should be removed and permission set should be updated

Additional integration test should be build and don't use diku_admin to run tests

CB: I don't agree that the label regression should be removed.  This looks like a classic "missing module permission" issue.  We have previously agreed that those should be considered regressions (as they are functional regressions from a user perspective).

MODLOGSAML-81Download data button is enabled regardless of permissionCore: Platformmod-login-saml

MODSOURMAN-368Added 5XX field in quickMARC does not appear in InstanceFolijetmod-source-record-managerduplicates MODSOURMAN-366
regression label is removed
MODSOURMAN-367Other changes to records in quickMARC not appearing in Inventory recordFolijetmod-source-record-managerduplicates MODSOURMAN-366
regression label is removed
MODSOURMAN-366Changes to 035 field not updating in Instance recordFolijetmod-source-record-managerNo fixes from our side. Problem with data imported to the environment. The team helped to create a script to fix wrong dataProvide proper migration data set

possible not regression issue because caused by wrong data set

AI→ to create test data set that would allow to catch all issues

UIDATIMP-739Match profiles are misaligned and have a stray line in themFolijetui-data-importstyles for this component were released prematurely, without actual markup refactoring, which planned on R1 2021

UITEN-128Courses error when trying to delete location in BugFestThorui-tenant-settings

UIU-1944'Patron blocks: Limits' not refreshing when 'Patron group' added, modified or deletedVegaui-users

not ready to call
UIU-1943Manual patron block not fully going away after expiredVegaui-users

caused by refactoring at STCOM

Maxim Didenko → Add link to refactoring issue

UIU-1942Manual patron block expiration date changing when patron block viewedVegaui-users

UIU-1938'Transaction information' not saved/displaying when 1 fee/fine paidVegaui-usersInitially tested by mock data but real BE broke this

UIU-1933Not asked to confirm leaving New Fee/Fine page anymoreVegaui-usersMigration to Final Forms. Current implementation does not allow to have 2 forms on the page

UIU-1898Selection of fee/fine owner on new fee/fine charge is not remaining selectedVegaui-usersFeesfines refactoring.Testing should be provided with large data set
MODFEE-136Paying/waiving/transferring multiple fees/fines not dividing up amount entered properlyVegamod-feesfinesA piece of logic was lost during refactoring (moving calculation from FE to BE)
  1. Additional unit tests (added in scope of this story).
  2. Thorough manual testing.
take regression label off because of refactoring implemented at honeysuckle

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