Ramsons (R2 2024) ECS-Bugfest Questions






Will any community member be invited to participate in testing? 

Target audience who is familiar with Consortia functionality


Will we ask GALILEO and LOC to participate in testing? 



Will there be different people testing ECS and non-ECS? 



Will we have a kickoff meeting for ECS – Bugfest testing with the community?  



Will we use the same login as non-consortia bugfest?  

No, environment links will be different


Who will outline testing instructions?  

@Yogesh Kumar , please review the - Bug Fest R2 2023 Poppy - (ECS enabled)


Will there be an environment rollout plan like this one - https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/REL/Poppy+%28R2+2023%29+Bugfest+environment+preparation+plan  



Will the regular Bugfest tests (not marked as Consortia) also be executed on the ECS environment (to make sure that circulation works, and requests work, and orders work, etc.). If so, will they be checked on the central env, a particular member env, or both? 

Only E2E automated tests (Institutional tenant with reference data)


Can we assume that the DI Task Force “split file” functionality will be defaulted to “on” in the regular and ECS test envs?

Do we need to test with the split file functionality turned off as well? 

If the "split file" functionality is merged, we can enable it for Bugfest cluster 

It depends on our strategy for split file roll-out. If we are going to support both ways for DI in Poppy, we should test both approaches on Poppy Bugfest too 


If we’re executing the same (or overlapping) TestRails for the regular BF environment and the ECS BF env, will there be a separate test run for ECS?

If people participate in both, will it be easy to stay clear on which test run a user is working on, and which tests they have signed up for in which test run? 

There are 4 different test runs in Test Rail.

Testers can claim test cases in Bug Fest Poppy(R2 2023) and Bug Fest Poppy(R2 2023)(ECS Enabled) (Only target audience who are aware of consortia functionality). They have to control their assignment independently.


How are we going to set up the various tenants to accurately reflect a “real” consortium configuration (i.e. independent acquisitions areas, shared and individualized Inventory, financial isolation, etc.)? (JR) 

6 tenants will be available for ECS bugfest environments.

ICs are working on data set preparation.

@Dennis Bridges and @Tim Auger are responsible for data set validation


Will we need to set up specific member tenants for specific types of test cases so we don’t have to keep changing settings to account for a given test case? (Example: one tenant may allow orders to be saved and opened in one step, another may require that the steps be separate.) (JR) 


PO can prepare ECS tenants before bugfest start


For these kinds of questions, it seems like we need to agree on what the settings are for each tenant, e.g. Tenant A is mostly local records, 90% source = MARC, this is how they order, this is what their circ rules look like, this is what their user community distribution looks like, etc. I’m putting together a table like that for Inventory and SRS (A-M) 


PO can prepare ECS tenants before bugfest start


Is MQA expected to manage two Bugfests (consortia + non-consortia) at the same time?

Would this be a concern for AQA too?  

MQAs will manage both 


What is the timing/milestones for ECS Poppy BF compared to regular BF – same timeline? Later? 

The same for now


Which manual test cases will be executed?  

See Q10


Can we assume all automated test cases will be run? 
