Ramsons (R2 2024) Changes and required actions

Functional Area

Change or Additions


Action timing,
Action required


Contact person,
Related JIRAs

Functional Area

Change or Additions


Action timing,
Action required


Contact person,
Related JIRAs

Affected app or module

What has been changed or added that should be noted for this release

What challenges may arise related to this change or addition

When can the action be taken (before, during or after upgrade)?

If applicable, detail what action(s) must be taken here

Is this action required for the next release?

Name of user leaving comment: comment on what you encountered or ask a question @mention Contact person

User name of person that can provide additional detail.
Include issue link for bug fix, story or feature that applies


Implement indexing for inventory locations


Locations reindex needed after the upgrade.
Use re-index API: https://s3.amazonaws.com/foliodocs/api/mod-search/u/mod-search.html#api-IndexManagement-reindexInventoryRecords with resourceName = location.

Under the hood when specifying resourceName=location the reindex for libraries, institutions and campuses will be started as well automatically.

@Viacheslav Kolesnyk , @Pavlo Smahin



Holdings’ sourceId field is now required 


No action.

API major versions updated for

  • holdings-storage to 7.0

  • holdings-storage-batch-sync to 2.0

  • holdings-storage-batch-sync-unsafe to 2.0

@Viacheslav Poliakov (Unlicensed) ,

@Pavlo Smahin



Instance’s publicationPeriod field removed from the schema.


Async migration execution is required after the upgrade. Could work in the background.
Information about API that manages async migration: https://s3.amazonaws.com/foliodocs/api/mod-inventory-storage/r/async-migration.html
To start migration execute the endpoint:

POST /inventory-storage/migrations/jobs Body: { "migrations": [ "publicationPeriodMigration" ] }

To track status of migration execute the endpoint:

GET /inventory-storage/migrations/jobs/<jobId>

To validate that migration is finished SQL script could be executed:

SELECT 1 FROM <tenant>_mod_inventory_storage.instance WHERE jsonb -> 'publicationPeriod' IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1;

If nothing returned then migration was successful.

API major vers

ions updated for

  • instance-storage from '10.3' to '11.0'

  • instance-storage-batch from '2.0' to '3.0'

  • instance-storage-batch-sync from '2.0' to '3.0'

  • instance-storage-batch-sync-unsafe from '2.0' to '3.0'

  • inventory-view-instance-set from '2.0' to '3.0'

  • instance-iteration from '0.1' to '1.0'

@Pavlo Smahin

MODINVSTOR-1271: Publication period migration on big datasetClosed
MODINVSTOR-1232: Migration: Population of Date type, Date 1, and Date 2 for FOLIO source recordsClosed

Search, Inventory

To make mod-search consume all types of changes for instances, holdings, items, and changes related to bound-with functionality it has a consumer with a default Kafka topic pattern:

This pattern could be changed by setting KAFKA_EVENTS_CONSUMER_PATTERN environment variable.

If the library requires the default behavior of mod-search, please ensure that the KAFKA_EVENTS_CONSUMER_PATTERN is either omitted from the environment variables or is set to the same value as the default pattern.



@Pavlo Smahin


New re-index process implemented for instance records.


After the upgrade use new API to index instance records.

The env variables that are obsolete now:






Instructions can be found in: https://github.com/folio-org/mod-search/tree/v4.0.0?tab=readme-ov-file#indexing-of-instance-records
Old endpoint /search/index/inventory/reindex doesn’t support indexing of instance records.

@Pavlo Smahin



Add support for routing lists

Requires configuration in Settings: Orders.




@Joseph Reimers


Support binding of materials




@Joseph Reimers


Allow duplication of invoices and invoice lines




@Dennis Bridges


Prevent deletion of bank account type when account type is in use




@Joseph Reimers

Check Out

If Profile Pictures are enabled they will be displayed at Check out for users with the “Users: Can view profile pictures” permission 




@Amelia Sutton



An error message will now be displayed when a user tries to add a non-image or invalid URL as an externally linked profile picture 




@Amelia Sutton



New functionality to Export User Data for Library Card Printing. The user profile “Actions” now includes an option to “Print library card”. This option is only available when the user meets all of the following:

  • Is Active

  • Has User type of “Staff” or “Patron”

  • Has a profile picture

The User’s Barcode, First name (preferred name instead if present), Middle name, Last name, Patron group, Expiration date will be included in a .csv file. The user’s profile picture will download as a separate .jpg or will be included in the .csv if the profile picture is linked from an external URL




@Amelia Sutton


Settings > Circulation

Two new staff slip tokens were added to the staff slip template editor:

  • request.barcodeImage - A barcode version of the Request UUID

  • staffSlip.staffUsername - The username of the staff member who generated the slip




@Amelia Sutton https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-4465

Settings > Circulation

New Staff Slip type, “Due date receipt”, has been added. The template can be configured under Settings > Circulation > Staff slips > Due date receipt. The slip will populate the following tokens (new tokens in Bold):















The following item tokens will not populate on Due Date Receipts:









Other tokens will be displayed as options in the template editor, but may not populate on actual slips.

Similarly, the new borrower and loan tokens will appear in the template editor for other kinds of staff slips, but may not populate on the actual slips

@Amelia Sutton https://folio-org.atlassian.net//browse/UXPROD-4959

Users > Open Loans

Due date receipts can be printed from the open loans screen either by selecting one or more open loans then selecting Print due date receipt, or via the actions menu for an individual invoice.

Due date receipts can also be printed from the Loan details page for an individual loan by selecting Print due date receipt




@Amelia Sutton https://folio-org.atlassian.net//browse/UXPROD-4959

Settings > Circulation

New section under the Requests header, “View print details”. This section includes a single option to enable the viewing of print details in the requests app. When enabled, the system will record when a staff slip is printed for a request, and that information will be displayed in the Requests app. When disabled, existing data will remain in the database, but future print actions will not be logged. 




@Amelia Sutton https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-4404


This functionality can be enabled by enabling “View print details (Pick slips)” under Settings > Circulation > View print details. When enabled, users see two new columns that can be selected to display in Requests search:

  • # Copies - The number of times the request has had its slip printed. 

  • Printed - The name of the user who last printed the slip and the date and time the slip was last printed. 




@Amelia Sutton https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-4404


A new field “Email communication preferences” has been added. This field is a multiselect with three options:

  • Programs

  • Services

  • Support



Note: The field will only be available temporarily  for all libraries. After the implementation of UXPROD-2491, this field will be removed from the Users schema, as a custom field in the Contact information accordion will meet LoC’s requirements.

@Amelia Sutton



The encryption key field in the profile picture configuration is no longer updateable.




@Amelia Sutton https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODUSERS-458


New Reading Room Access accordion on User records. Users with the appropriate permissions (See the permissions update notes for more details) can see a user’s access for each reading room. On the user edit screen staff can update the user’s access to reading rooms and add a note to each room on a user’s record.




@Amelia Sutton https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-4070

Settings > Tenant

New section under General, “Reading room access”, where reading rooms can be configured by users with the appropriate permissions (See the permissions update notes for more details). Each reading room has 3 fields, the room name, a boolean setting a room as private or not, and a multiselect for associated service points. 

Reading rooms with Public set to False will not allow access by default. Reading rooms with Public set to True will default to allowing access.

Each reading room can have any number of service points assigned, but each service point can only be assigned to a single reading room. 




@Amelia Sutton https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-4070

Inventory, SRS, Data import

Default MARC-Instance mapping rules were updated to add:

  • 010$z Canceled LCCN

  • 008 Date type

  • 6xx for Subject source and Subject type fields


After upgrade follow the instructions to update the mapping rules.


@Ryan Taylor,

@Kateryna Senchenko

Automated patron blocks







Setting Up SIP2 for Multiple Tenant-Specific Ports



If any SIP2 customer (e.g. MeeScan) wants to use the feature of using multi tenant for specific port then below configurations settings can be applied GitHub - folio-org/edge-sip2: 3M Standard Interchange Protocol (SIP) support in FOLIO


@Gurleen Kaur1 SIP2-150: Add port with IP address CIDR as option for tenant identification in configurationAwaiting release


Redesigned ongoing record contribution to be aligned with the initial contributed outbox pattern design.



UXPROD-4860: Reengineering of INN-Reach ongoing contributionClosed @Tim Auger


Modify the logic for creating a virtual service point (for pickup locations) and link up the default calendar. Also, modify default values of the calendar


Coordinate the DCB development that populates the creation of the SPs. Coordinate roll-out into production.


MODDCB-119: Add DCB calendar and assignment of SPs to itClosed @Tim Auger

Requests, Staff slips

  • For Requests meeting the following criteria: is Hold (Title level) and is Open – Not yet filled, libraries will be able to print Requests in order for staff members to check libraries shelves for copies that can fill the request.

  • Extends functionality implemented in UXPROD-4047 to include Title level Holds




@Anne Ekblad