Ramsons UAT - Secure requests - Authorized user experience [DRAFT]

Ramsons UAT - Secure requests - Authorized user experience [DRAFT]

Brief description

This is a test for Secure requests functionality, focusing on view, edit, reorder, and cancel functionality. The goal of this test is to verify that Users of the Mediated requests app. can successfully complete each of the steps below.

  1. Create, Save, Edit, Decline, and Confirm a new Mediated request (Mediated requests app)

  2. View a Secure request from the Secure tenant (Requests app)

  3. Edit a Secure request from the Secure tenant

  4. Reorder a Secure request from the Central tenant

  5. Cancel a Secure request from the Secure tenant

    1. Status of corresponding Mediated request updates

Need to consider Check in and Check out toward end of experience closest to Closed - Filled

Testing will take place the week of . Please submit any feedback by the end of the day on .


Test environment: https://folio-perf-vega-2nd-consortium.ci.folio.org/

Test credentials: (username/password)

Jira features: UXPROD-4657 and UXPROD-4119

Feedback form:

Related Videos

The link below is to a recent video demonstration of requesting functionality. You do not need to sign in to access the recording. Watching this demo before you test may help you to be more comfortable testing.

Create, Edit, and Decline


Follow the steps below and use the feedback form linked above to record your results.


Create, Save, Edit, Decline, and Confirm a new Mediated request (Mediated requests app)

  1. Create a new Mediated request

  • Log in to https://folio-perf-vega-2nd-consortium.ci.folio.org/

  • Navigate to the Inventory app.

  • Find a title

  • Copy the HRID from the “Administrative data” accordion

  • Navigate to the Mediated requests app

  • From the Actions dropdown menu, select New mediated request

  • Check to make sure the box next to “Create title level request” is checked

  • Paste the UUID or HRID into the “Title information” box and select Enter

  • Select the Requester lookup link and select the check box next to Active

  • Choose a requester from the list by clicking on a name

  • Click Save & close

Note: Title / Item information and Requester information are the minimum points of detail needed to “Save & close” the New mediated request form.


  1. Edit a Mediated request

  • Log in to https://folio-perf-vega-2nd-consortium.ci.folio.org/

  • Navigate to the Mediated requests app

  • Using the search box or filters on the left, look for one of the requests you created in step 1 that has a status of New - Awaiting confirmation

  • Select the Mediated request by clicking on it’s line in the results table

  • Review the Mediated request details pane

  • Click on the Actions button in the Mediated request details and select Edit & confirm

  • Edit the HRID or Requester barcode

  • Click Save & close


  1. Decline FOLIO created Mediated request

  • Log in to https://folio-perf-vega-2nd-consortium.ci.folio.org/

  • Navigate to the Mediated requests app

  • Using the Mediated request status filter, locate a Mediated request with status of New - Awaiting confirmation

  • Select the Mediated request and view the Mediated request details page

  • Click Actions and Decline and view “Confirm Mediated request decline” popup

  • Click Back and you should be returned to the Mediated request details pane.

  • Click once more on Actions and Decline and view “Confirm Mediated request decline” popup

  • This time, click Confirm and the request is Declined

  • Ensure in the Mediated request details that the Mediated request status has changed to Closed - Declined.


  1. Confirm FOLIO created Mediated request

  • Log in to https://folio-perf-vega-2nd-consortium.ci.folio.org/

  • Navigate to the Mediated requests app

  • Using the search box or filters on the left, look for one of the requests you created in step 1 that has a status of New - Awaiting confirmation

  • Select the Mediated request by clicking on it’s line in the results table

  • From the Actions dropdown menu, select Edit & confirm

  • Review, add Request information, and / or edit all necessary fields and click Confirm.

Note: Title / Item information, Requester information, and Request information are the points of detail needed to “Confirm” the New mediated request form.


View a Secure request from the Secure tenant (Requests app.)

·       Log into FOLIO’s Requests app with active affiliation with the Secure tenant

·       Search for and / or filter Requests to view Requests in the Requests table (center pane)

·       Click on the line item for a Request to view the Request details


Edit a Secure request from the Secure tenant

·       Log into FOLIO’s Requests app with active affiliation with the Secure tenant

·       Find a Request in Open – Not yet filled status (can be the Mediated request you confirmed in prior steps or another)

·       Click on the line item for the Request to view the Request details

·       Select Edit from the Actions dropdown in the top right of the Request details and edit one of the following fields:

o   Request expiration date

o   Fulfillment preference

o   Pickup service point

·       Click Save & close

·       Review changes in the Request details of the request


Reorder a Secure request from the Central tenant

·       Log into FOLIO’s Requests app with active affiliation with the Secure tenant

·       Find a Request in [Open – Not yet filled, XYZ status, PDQ status]

·       Click on the line item for the Request to view the Request details

·       Select Reorder queue from the Actions dropdown in the top right of the Request details

·       Reorder request – Note: you will see obfuscated Secure patron data related to this Request


Cancel a Secure request from the Secure tenant

  1. Status of corresponding Mediated request updates

·       Log into FOLIO’s Requests app with active affiliation with the Secure tenant

·       Find a Request in [Open – Not yet filled, XYZ status, PDQ status]

·       Click on the line item for the Request to view the Request details

·       Select Cancel from the Actions dropdown in the top right of the Request details

·       Confirm and add cancellation reason, if desired

·      Review changes in the Request details of the request

o   Status should be Closed – Cancelled

·       Open Mediated requests app and find corresponding Mediated request

o   Ensure Mediated request status is Closed – Cancelled

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