RA - Requests 2018 07 20




Discussion items

5 minHousekeepingTania

Today's Note taker - Tania

5 minQuestionsTania

Any questions or thoughts since our last meeting? (none)

20 minCancel ReasonsTania
  1. Deletion of Cancel Reasons if they have been used?
    1. Are there data integrity concerns if a reason that has been used is deleted?
    2. Is it too onerous to have FOLIO check all cancelled requests to find out if the reason has been used?
    3. Is inactivating a better choice?
  2. Allow delete all? Prohibit delete Other (original plan)? Warn or disallow deletion of last remaining?
    1. Story currently is to prohibit deletion of Other. Sub group is fine with this.
  3. Re-order of the reasons probably wont be in v1 (mentioned in the June 22 notes as well).
    1. What if they alpha-num sort themselves? Other controlled vocabs - do they do that? It would let staff make them sort however they want by prefixing the reason names with 0, 1, 2, etc
    2. Unlikely to be a huge list anyway
    3. Andrea - people become accustomed to the way things are, so re-ordering probably not a big deal.
    4. All agreed - nice to have but not a deal breaker
  4. Display of cancel reasons in request actions (mockup)
    1. If additional info is long, this could cause a very tall row
    2. Tania will find out if there is a character limit imposed
  5. Will Notes be integrated with Requests?
25 minAlternate Loan PeriodTania

Alternate Loan Period in Request Policy vs Loan Policy

From 7/9 Full SIG - David B thinks thie alternate loan period for an item with requests should be in request policies rather than loan policies (where it exists right now) because the amount of truncation or whether to truncate at all will depend on the Request Type.  Why? Talk it through.

What other things might it depend on? 

5 minWrap-upAll