RA - Requests 2018 05 23




Discussion items

5 minHousekeepingTania

Today's Note taker - Tania

5 minQuestionsTania

Any questions or thoughts from our last meeting?

  • Do we have a list of remaining tasks/an estimate on the work remaining and a prediction as to how much longer the subgroup will continue to meet?
    • Not right now, but Tania will get a rough estimate together over the next week, hopefully in time for our next meeting (May 30)

25 minRequest ActionsTania
  • Request actions are meant as an audit trail for things that happen to a request
    • Creation
    • Manual edits
    • Cancellations
    • Changes in status
  • Reviewed the mockup - table format (similar to Loan actions) is preferred over a list style, both visually and because it means in future we could introduce sortability and maybe filterability
  • Current mockup found on the FOLIO google drive
  • Brief discussion of item history - a master list of everything that has ever happened to an item, that is accessible from the item record and aggregates all of these more focused action histories, along with edits to the item record, etc. OLE has this. Tania thinks that might belong to the people working on Inventory and she will send the idea along to them
20Recalled itemsTania
  • Now that the compound item status "Checked out - recalled" is being deprecated, how do we make it clear to staff that an item has been recalled?
  • We discussed "recalled" being a property of the LOAN, not a property of the REQUEST
  • We like the idea of displaying the word "Recalled" next to/very near the due date
    • This would show staff at a glance that the item has been recalled, when they may be troubleshooting why a renewal didn't go through, or why the item's due date is what it is
    • Tania will take this to the Loans group and then the full SIG to see if this idea would work other places where you see an item's status and due date, so that we can have as much consistency as possible across apps
5 minWrap-upAll

Next steps / homework

  • Tania will get a rough estimate of work and time remaining together
  • Tania will hand off the item history idea to the people working on Inventory
  • Tania will take the RECALLED quandary to the Loans group
  • Create a wiki.folio account if you don't already have one