RA - Requests 2018 03 02




  • Start tackling things 
    • Look over Request screen mockups
    • Discuss what remains for Holds and Recalls
    • Discuss Request Cancellation
    • Discuss Delivery fulfillment

Discussion items

5 minHousekeepingTania

Today's Note taker - Tania

10 minQuestions


Any questions after looking over the docs or thoughts from Wednesday meeting?

  • We discussed the Requests Queue and Item Status Interactions doc - how the next request in the queue affects the item status of checked-out items and available-for-loan items, based on the type of request and the request's fulfillment preference

5 minHolds and Recalls


It looks like the remaining work in Holds and Recalls is all about Delivery, In transit, Slips, Patron Notices and Cancellation. Does anyone have a different take on this?

  • David Bottorff reminded us of On Order items as a special case that still needs to be addressed in some way
  • On Order and In Process items, for example, are unavailable but they are not currently covered by Hold, Recall or Paging because they are neither checked out nor on the shelf.
  • To do for next week: brainstorm situations where an item is unavailable and you'd potentially allow a request to be made for it

30 minCancellationTania

Location of access to Cancel Request function

  • It is important that we not require staff to be in Edit mode to cancel, because it's an extra click, but having the ability to cancel the request while in Edit mode would be good
  • Most important place to access Cancel Request for v1 is from the Request Detail in view mode, because it is going to be one click away when you're looking at a list of request search results or the item's request queue
  • If we can, for v1 it would be nice to be able to access Cancel Request function from Request Detail view mode, Request Detail edit mode, request search results list, request queue, but Request Detail vie mode is the most critical.
  • The ultimate goal is to be able to cancel a request at any point in FOLIO that you can see the request - in lists, in detail screens, etc
  • It should also be a goal to allow bulk actions from any place you are viewing a list of requests (queue, search results, etc)
  • Future wish: narrowing in search results (facets?)
  • Noted that the full SIG has tabled both bulk actions and queue re-ordering to post-v1
  • Once the ability to cancel from lists of requests exist, it's important for the staff person to not lose their context, to be able to easily return to the list they started on (displaying appropriately updated data) without having to redo a search or the navigation that got them to the list in the first place.

Cancellation reasons

  • Two ways to capture Cancellation Reason: 1) a predefined list for staff to choose from and 2) a free text field for staff to fill in
  • The order of desirability for mechanism to capture cancellation reason is:
    • A pre-defined list that is created by, or can be customized and added to by admin staff + a free text field (possibly that appears when a staff person selects "Other")
    • A pre-defined list that is created by, or can be customized and added to by admin staff
    • A free text field
    • A pre-defined list that is hard coded


  • Post v1 need: an Undo function to un-cancel an accidentally cancelled request.
  • Capturing some kind of cancellation reason when a request is closed automatically by the system, e.g. when it expires. This would be in addition to the request status. We tabled this for a future discussion since it is a post v1 type of idea

10 minWrap-upAllNext steps / homework

Action items

  • Tania Hewes will create a brainstorming document for unavailable items that may have requests allowed - the document is Unavailable Items and Requests Brainstorming
  • Everyone will brainstorm in the document
  • Tania Hewes and Kimie Kester will meet early next week to discuss mockups for placement of Cancel Request button and possibly staff admin screens for adding and customizing pre-defined cancellation reasons.