2024-11-20 Product Owner Meeting

Nov 20, 2024  










Announcements (feel free to update Agenda/notes)

10 minutes



10 minutes

@Yogesh Kumar


Feedback on a proposed new PC review process for new functionality

15 minutes

@Jennifer Eustis@Charlotte Whitt @Caitlyn Stewart @Jeremy Huff 


The Product Council subgroup on reviewing the Evaluation Process to Review New Functionality seeks feedback from POs. Currently our review process is explained in this wiki document. This document doesn't clearly lay out what is needed from POs, what type of new functionality the PC must review, or any timeline associated with the review. This PC subgroup has been meeting to discuss how to clarify this process so that:

  • PC clearly outlines the expectations and criteria for PC reviews of new functionality

  • PC provides a mechanism for POs to request reviews and be updated on the progress and resolution of those reviews

  • PC reviews new functionality earlier in the process

  • POs clearly understand what the PC needs to review for new functionality

  • POs have a mechanism to request and get updates on their request for review of new functionality

The PC subgroup feels that the TC Review process provides clear expectations, a mechanism, a way to submit, review, and provide updates and resolutions for reviews.

The PC subgroup would like to propose that PC mirror the TC Review process. A mock of the github pages has been done here https://github.com/jenmawe/product-council/tree/main. Please note that this is a MOCK UP to provide the look and feel rather than the content as some in the PC subgroup lack familiarity with GitHub. 

The feedback we are seeking is:

  • Would this require too much work on the part of POs?

  • Any other comments?