Notes for 12/5 PC
Goals in flight:
Wrap up evaluation of new functionality.
Incorporate all activities of Prioritization and Roadmap Group into regular PC activities
New Goals:
Update PC Review Process ā 37 **
Engage with App Formalization ā 37
Upcoming tri-council meeting will focus on App formalization.
This is a great opportunity to discuss exactly what that means and engagement could look like
Propose early feb meeting to discuss App formalization?
Revive Community Development ā 40* **
Solicit & analyze community priorities ā 41*
Communicate Development priorities and activity to the community ā 44*
Develop leadership opportunities within the community - 52
Recommend cross-platform standardization ā 57
Supporting tasks
Dashboard / Report (twice a year ahead of release planning?)
What is coming
Notable planned development
In order to get this we need to ensure issues are created early
We need a way to track them (PC label or status in KanBan board)
What is needed
SIG top 5
Institutional top 5 from Survey?
What is at risk