SIG Reports 2025-01-20

SIG Reports 2025-01-20

Reports should include:

  • Discussion of specific development areas. Including Jira issues for both features and bugs is helpful.
  • Work related to the FOLIO Roadmap or work that occurred that is not well-represented on the FOLIO roadmap.
  • Information about demos, user discussions, or future functionality for FOLIO.
  • Spins-ups or wind-downs of specific subgroups or working groups in a particular area.
  • Ideas or issues that came up feel outside the scope of the SIG but need commenting.

When you click on Submit Request, this will create a new wiki page that will need to be published. To submit a request,

SIG NAMESIG Convenor(s)PC LiaisonReport and Include any relevant JIRA issues

Acquisitions SIG

Dung-Lan Chen Kristin Martin 

See Acquisitions SIG meetings agenda and notes wiki here for more details if interested -

  • Ramsons Release Highlights (Dec. 20th, Dennis B.)
  • Meetings cancelled for Dec. 24th, 31st and Jan. 3rd (holiday break)
  • Discussed Implementers Topics (Jan. 7th & Jan. 14th)
  • A recap of what's coming with Sunflower release (Jan. 14th, Dennis B.)
  • A quick demo of upcoming Claiming App UAT & Q&A (Jan. 17th, Joe R.)

App Interaction SIG

Martina Schildt & Tara BarnettMartina Schildt 

App Interaction SIG met with POs to talk about the prioritization and next steps on cross-app tickets and requirements.

To provide further information on the tickets, App Interaction SIG will discuss one topic per meeting until they’re all revised. The group starts with UXPROD-4545: Standardised search wildcards across apps: * ?

Consortia SIG

Lucy Harrison

Documentation Working Group

Katharina Jung Martina Tumulla 

Documentation for Ramsons was written and released.

Documentation WG discussed how to adjust the order of the left menu and how to set up links correctly. In addition attendees shared experiences around Co-writing with several writers for a larger topic.

Meeting time of Documentation WG will slightly change and will be one hour earlier from January on. (Second Wednesday of the month, 9 am-10am EST/15-16 CET)


There was no ERM SIG meeting in January.

There was no Agreements Local KB Subgroup meeting in January.

The eHoldings subgroup talked about goals and Topics for 2025 and looked at the eHoldings User Story backlog.

Implementers SIG

Charlotte WhittImplementer's has switched to a board model instead of a single convenor. The board meets biweekly opposite of the implementers meetings to plan out and prepare for the next public meeting. 
  • January topics; Planning for the year, Remote storage.
  • Upcoming topics; Eureka platform

There is a big interest in remote storage so the implementers group will spin off a working group to cover issues and topics related to remote storage. This will be held at the same time opposite the regular implementor's meeting.

Linked Open DataLaura E Daniels & Chris LongCharlotte Whitt & Lisa McColl

Prioritization Process

  • started adding labels to distinguish bibframe, linked data (anything related to linked data in FOLIO), and linked open data sig features
    • using "lod-sig" label for issues we discuss/create/prioritize that may or may not relate to other functional areas (such as changes needed in Inventory to support linked data workflows)
  • dashboard

Presentation from Nate Trail about BIBFRAME at Library of Congress

Discussed and responded to the Linked Data App as presented to Product Council in December

Metadata Management

Prioritization Process

  • We've started work on implementing a prioritization process for MM, as requested by PC: Prioritization.
  • We did look at the Jira voting that the ACQ SIG has piloted.
  • We agreed that the voting process can help with identifying features and issues that are needed by many libraries and have encouraged SIG members to vote on primarily features, but also stories, if neccessary.
  • Jennifer Eustis has added a new column to our Metadata Management Road Map and Metadata Management Bug Tracker Jira Dashboards. This enables us to sort by vote to identify the most relevant (open) tickets.
  • We're also adding the label metadatamanagement to features where this label is currently missing.
  • For an upcoming meeting we want to revisit our MM SIG Parking Lot.

Folijet's Ramsons features PO presentation

Reordering of Holdings and Items

  • Results of a small working group have been presented by Laura E Daniels using this slide deck.
  • The current system for sorting and reordering items and holdings has several limitations:

    • Item Records: Persistent default sort by barcode; enumeration sorting does not work as expected.
    • Holdings Records: Sorting is based on database sequence, and the order changes on updates with no UI-based sorting.
    • Holdings Statements: Fixed in creation order, no reordering or saving options.
  • This leads to confusion and frustration for staff and users.

  • Next steps are to prioritize improvements by voting on related JIRA issues:
    • Sorting Items: UIIN-2688, MODINVSTOR-1142.
    • Reordering: UXPROD-1625 (items), UXPROD-1635 (holdings), UXPROD-3178 (holdings statements).

Open Access SIG

Martin BauschmannAlexis Manheim

Privacy SIG

Public Library SIGJoseph A Molloy
Lisa McColl

January meeting was skipped due to illness. Subjects on the (skipped meeting) agenda:

Reporting SIG

Jennifer Eustis 

The Reporting SIG topics:

  • Index Data will end support for LDP software in May, 2025
    • see Mike Gorrell at Index Data for questions
    • institutions running LDP are encouraged to move to Metadb on their reporting databases ASAP
  • Development work on data array extraction to unpack more JSON data arrays into columns for easier reporting with the upcoming release of Metadb software version 1.4. 
  • Analysis to improve derived table functionality and reduce number of derived tables
  • Explore report automation tools and use cases (e.g, Python use)
  • Reporting Tools Analysis (e.g., Reporting App, Lists App, PowerBI, Tableau)

Resource Access

Jana Freytag 
  • Sub-SIG Reading room circulation is going into next phase - meetings on hold until further input is needed
  • New sub-SIG formed to discuss further requirements of course reserves
  • New Co-Convener announced: Susan Kimball will take over Co-Convenorship by the end of January
  • Planning meetings to set up the year
  • Evaluation of prioritization process, Gap list and backlog

SIG Conveners

Martina Schildt Meetings are held twice a year. Next meeting will take place in March 2024.

System Operations and Management SIG

Ingolf Kuss Ingolf Kuss 

Support SIG

User Management

Maura Byrne Maura Byrne We've been creating a parking lot for issues and features. We've also begun outreach to see if more people are interested in joining the SIG meetings or participating in the Slack channel.

Workflow SIG

Ian Walls Lisa McColl
Dormant SIGDormant Since


Privacy SIG


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