2023-10-06 SIG Structures Meeting notes

2023-10-06 SIG Structures Meeting notes




Discussion items


Review of SIG Report Stucture

See: FOLIO Product Council Special Interest Group Reports

SIG Reports Template

Maybe we make a template

The report is pretty much ready to go. We will use it for the October reports (first time due from SIGs by October 19).

  • The FOR TESTING page will be modified to be our template for each month's reports.
  • Reports will continue to be due the second Thursday of the month
  • PC Liaison names will be added to the template. Liaisons should follow up with SIG if no report is provided.
  • Some SIGs are missing liaisons. We need to take back to full PC to get more liaisons. Recognizing that some people may not be able to make the meeting time for the SIG, PC members can still serve as a liaison for a SIG through communication with the convener, joining a Slack channel, and listening to recordings where needed. This should make it easier for PC member to juggle meetings/time zones and fill the role.
  • The next month's monthly report will be published immediately following the completion of the active month. This way conveners can add their comments in an ongoing way, if they so wish.

Some minor changes to the report:

Questions to take to Peter:

  • Is there a way to get the template for a request to allow for more formatting or does this need to happen once the wiki page is created? We can modify instructions as appropriate.
  • Can Peter help clean up the list of SIGs on the homepage? It's a bit of a mess.
  • Can we get the button column to be smaller?

 Discussion of "scope of SIG"

Metadata feels like a special case, because "metadata" is all encompassing, hard to figure out what they are supposed to be focused on.

The working groups needs to report back to the SIG about their activities. Otherwise, they are really an independent SIG (e.g., Data Import, Entity Management are more independent and cross-app).

SIGs should have some responsibilities for particular apps

  • consider long-term trajectory of development for that app
  • Have a subject expert convener who is able to lead the group.
  • Have a PO for liaising with development work and bring new development work for review
  • Serve as a user group for sharing implementation and workflow ideas
  • Perform testing of new functionality (UAT, BugFest)

Working groups or subgroups lack some of these features. Working groups should be short-term focused development group, organized by a PO. Subgroups may be ongoing groups discussing specific areas of funcitonality, perhaps without a clear roadmap or development trajectory, but potentially to raise awareness and add to the roadmap. The SIG should be focused on a roadmap within an area.

Working Groups that should be SIGs (potentially): Bulk Edit, Data Import, Entity Management

Does every app really need a SIG? Maybe, and some apps don't need much attention for a while, but if issues come up, the app has a "home" to bring up issues.

Struggle with getting more individuals to participate in all aspects of the SIGS–it's generally the same few folks that volunteer. Helping individuals participate - this is an issue to take to Community Council. In order for the project to continue to function, we need to find a way to get the smaller institutions to participate. Have heard that some institutions do not support FOLIO work as part of P&T. Would be good to help work be recognized at home institutions.

Action items

  • Kristin Martin will create official template and share to generate October report
  • Take ideas to help participation to CC