2023-09-29 Meeting notes

2023-09-29 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Review of Reporting structure ideas:

FOLIO Product Council Special Interest Group Reports

FOLIO PC SIG Requests (old version)

Jennifer Eustis 

The group reviewed the form developed by Jennifer. In general, we liked the direction for the reports, though we also recognized that this wasn't sufficient to address all issues with the SIG. A revised reporting structure will achieve the following goals:

  • Continued monthly reports of SIG activities moved to a searchable wiki format
  • Better ability to identify areas where there is a gap in SIG communication and for the PC liaison to follow up
  • Ability for SIGs to highlight issues where more in-depth discussion or a decision is needed from PC
  • Saving convener time from having to sit through a meeting reading written reports

Next steps: Working Group members should review the pages to see what prompts need to be added to help make the reports as useful as possible. After we give another review, we can share the idea with the SIG conveners Slack channel to get feedback.

 Review of SIG roles and activities

2023-09-27 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting Notes

FOLIO SIGs (PC spreadsheet)

Get better definition scope for SIGs

Determine roles/responsibilities

More active PC connection

We discussed "What is a SIG?" and "what responsibilities should SIG members have?" Right now, to be a member, you basically just need to show up; this has been part of the way FOLIO as an open project works. Some of this comes down to getting more individuals taking more ownership of various responsibilities. We discussed the challenges of the testing environment, and the significant time it takes to test. We determined:

  • We still need to better define the scope of SIG. So far:
    • Interact with PO and provide feedback on new development
    • Provide user-to-user suppot
    • Provide expertise and time in testing

Action items

  • All: review draft report outline and make adjustments as needed
  • Bring ideas about "scope of SIG"