Formerly known as item status: what should it be called?
May correspond to more than one kind of thing (see NCSU list).
Role of workflows vs. item status
Consider creating workflow charts showing item statuses as they move through the workflow.
Curious to hear more about recording history of items, whether it is for changes of item statuses or when an item moves through a workflow.
Do we need the system to retain history? What system resources will it labor?
History of changes
When spec'ing OLE, there seemed to be difficulty recording history of changes to the point that the difficulty outweighed the potential uses. But I'd like to try and capture use cases for history of changes (not sure what else to call it) to note the usefulness of this feature and whether it is truly something we need. My vision of it is something similar to Wikipedia, in that you can see the history of changes of a page, what the changes were, who made the changes and when, etc.
Use case: update holdings in an external database (e.g. OCLC)
Output OCLC nos. so we can send them to OCLC to add our holdings symbol on those records so that we and other libraries know what titles we own.
Query the FOLIO database for what items were cataloged in the most recent week and output OCLC nos. to a file we can send to OCLC.